Radiohour impeachment

American History A- lily k

  • Laissez-Faire

    Hands-off (limited) government
  • Patent System

    Protect and encouraged interventions (no interstate tax)
  • J.D. Rockefeller

    Founded standard oil company in 1870. by 1880, 90% monopoly; nations first billionaire. Gave away $500 million.
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    He was born to a poor Scottish family who immigrated to the U.S. He was the private secretary to the Pennsylvania railroad. He also entered the steel business.
  • James J. Hill

    James J. Hill
    Canadian born and settled in St.Paul. Buil the great northern railroad.
  • immagrants

    immigrants are people from other countries that move to the U.S. They often had a rough time in their other countries.
  • J.P. Morgan

    J.P. Morgan
    Was known as the giant of finance. began as an accountant, then became a banker. Bought Carnegie steel and renamed it U.S. steel.
  • Vertical Integration

    buying up resources, transporting,ect.
  • Horizontal Integration

    Merging like companies together.
  • William Jennings Bryan

    Populist party candidate, republican.
  • Cornelius Vanderbilt

    became the wealthiest man in America. he started out the steamship then bought railroads. he transported oil.
  • William Howard Taft

    William Howard Taft
    Was the 27 president he was also the 10 chief of justice. They had to male him his own bathtub.
  • civil war dates

  • Period: to

    Civil War

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    Reconstruction Era

    Reunite South (nation)
    Rebuilding South
    Protect freedmen civil rights
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    14th Amendment

    You cant treat people different, everyone no matter the race or gender is equal.
  • William Mckenly

    Was president twice and was assassinated. Teddy was the vice president while he was president.
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    Impeachment means to take someone out of office by voting.
  • Signaled the end of the Gilded Age

    compromise of 1877
  • Tariff

    Tax on imports/ buying American goods
  • Jane Addams

    Jane Addams
    American settlement activist, reformer, social worker, sociologist, public administrator, and author. Advocate for world peace. organized Hull House
  • progressive movement

    To restore economic opportunities
  • Florence Kelley

    Made an act to prohibit child labor. Would improve girls and women working in factories.
  • Teddy Roosevelt

    His company was called the square deal. He was a trustbuster. He was vice president to William then was president after William got assassinated.
  • Trust buster

    Someone that breaks up monopolies.
  • Fostering efficiency

    Henery for created an assembly line to speed up production
  • WCTM

    Women's Christian temperance movement led by the crusade of prohibition.
  • Populists

    a politician who strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel they're not being listened to.
  • Prohibition

    The action for forbidding something, by law
  • Square deal

    A fair bargain or treatment. Roosevelt's program.
  • Gifford Pinchot

    Was a forester and politician. Served as the first chief until he was fired.
  • IDA Tarbell

    IDA Tarbell
    Was an American writer, Investigative journalist, biographer and lecturer. She was one of the leading muchrackers.
  • Jacob Riis

    Danish-American social reformer, muckraking journalist and social documentary photographer. Wrote about poverty and slums in cities.
  • Robert La Follette

    Reform governor and congress of Wisconsin. American lawyer and politician.
  • Upton Sinclair

    Wrote "The Jungle" Wrote over 100 books
  • Reform

    To change things to make them better
  • Middle class

    Not classified as rich or poor
  • Recall

    Vote to remove a politician from office.
  • Referendum

    citizens who vote yes or no on a law.
  • Arbitration

    Help two sides to compromise.
  • Secret Ballot

    Vote in private
  • Interstate Commerce Commission

    Gov agency to supervise railroads
  • Conservation

    Efforts to protect the environment
  • Pure Food And Drug Act

    Law that says you have to put labels on foods
  • Meat Inspection Act

    Gov checks if meat is good or bad
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Law to limit size and power of big businesses.
  • Clayton Antitrust Act

    Strengthened Sherman Anti-Trust act
  • New Freedom

    Name of Woodrow Wilsonś plan to help people
  • Payne-Aldrich Tariff

    Raised the tariff to almost 50 percent
  • 16th Amendment

    Provided to federal income tax
  • Democrat

    Name of Willsons political party
  • 17th Amendment

    Direct election of senators
  • Federal Reserve Act

    Improved Americans banking system
  • Executive branch

    Enforces laws
  • Legislative branch

    Makes laws
  • Black codes

    laws denying most legal rights to newly freed slaves
  • Sharecropping

    system in which landowners provided farmers with housing and supplies in return for a portion of their crops
  • The constitution

    The supreme law of the land
  • The president

    in charge of the executive branch
  • The structure of the constitution

  • Declaration of independence

    stated the United States is free from Great Britton
  • The bill of rights

    first 10 amendments of the constitution. stops one branch of the gov from being too powerful
  • John Locke

    believed people should be equal
  • Amendments

    27 amendments
  • Progressivism

    Any progress being made
  • Wilson Taft

    He was a Trust buster. He raised prices on imported goods. He fired Gifford. His program was called "the new freedom." He also created the Fed reserved system.
  • Eugene V. Debs

    Union leaders, saw an uneven balance of wealth among big business, government and ordinary people and embraced socialism.
  • Hull House

    Settlement house to help the poor
  • Direct Primary

    Voters who choose candidates for elections
  • Initiative

    Citizens place laws on the ballot.
  • Hepburn Act

    Gave the gov power to set railroad rates
  • Muckrakers

    Journalist who expose the bad things in the U.S.
  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

    Gov agency that watches over businesses.
  • Underwood Tariff

    Lowered the tariff for the first time since the civil war
  • Coal Strike Of 1902

    Settled by TR because of abbreviation.
  • Bull Moose Party

    President Roosevelt asked his supporters to leave the floor of the Republican national convention in Chicago
  • Causes

    Militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism came into play after Archduke Franz Ferdinand got assassinated
  • Allied Powers

    Great Briton, The U.S., France, Russia, Great Britton, and Serbia.
  • Central Powers

    A group of nations fighting against the Allied Powers during WW1. Germany, Turkey, Austria Hungary.
  • The Spark

    The spark of WW1 was Archduke Franz Ferdinand getting assassinated.
  • WW1 U.S. reasons

    submarines attacked there ship. "Zimmerman telegram" intercepted by British. alliance with Mexico
  • propaganda

    is info that is used to promote a political cause or point of view
  • new technology

    tanks, airplanes and gas
  • not a part of the allied powers

  • alliance

    a promise, a treaty, an agreement between countries
  • main

    militarism alliances imperialism nationalism
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    Was a politician, lawyer, and academic who served the 28 president.