Abraham Lincoln is elected President of the United States of America
Although a minority candidate, Abraham Lincoln was nominated President, defeating John C. Breckenridge (Southern Democrat), John Bell ( Constitutional Union), and Stephen A. Douglas (Democrat). -
Jefferson Davis is sworn in as President of Confederate States of America
Additionally the Confederate States of America was formed at this point. -
Civil War Begins
Confederate troops opened fire upon Union troops at Ft. Sumter, located in Charleson, South Carolina, beginning the Civil -
Robert E. Lee decides that he will not command Union forces
Lee's love for his home state of VA drives him to pledge his support to the CSA. -
Battle of Antietam
23,000 American casualities
This is the bloodiest day in American History -
Twenty Negro Law
Bill passed as part of the Second Conscription Act that provided for service exemption for individuals who owned 20+ slaves. "A rich man's war, but a poor man's fight." -
Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclimation
This declaration freed slaves ONLY in rebel states. -
West Virginia Becomes a State
Lee Surrenders at Appomattox Courthouse, VA
End of the Civil War -
Abraham Lincoln is shot
John Wilks Booth shoots Abraham Lincoln in Fords Theater on April 14, 1865, and Lincoln dies the next morning. -
13th Amendment Adopted
The 13th Amerndment is adpoted, abolishing slavery -
New Orleans Race Riots
In response to Black Codes keeping African Americans from voting, Radical Republicans gatered to reinstate the Constitutional Convention. Democrats were outraged. Figthing and riots resulted. -
The 14th Ameendment is ratified
Equal protection under the law -
Hiram Revels begins term as U.S. Senator
Hiram was the firs African American to serve in the U.S. Senate. He represented Mississippi. -
Civil Rights Act 1875
This act of the Reconstruction Era protected the right of African Americans to receive equal teatment in public places and transportation. In 1883 the Supreme Court declared this act Unconstitutional.