The Battle of Fort Sumter
The bombardment/siege and ultimate surrender of Fort Sumter by Brig. General P.G.T. Beauregard was the official start of the Civil War (April 12, 1861) -
Battle of Philippi
A skirmish involving over 3,000 soldiers, Philippi was the first battle of the American Civil War -
Big Bethel
The skirmish of Big Bethel was the first land battle of the civil war and was a portent of the carnage that was to come -
Battle of Wilson’s Creek
The Battle of Wilson's Creek, also known as the Battle of Oak Hills, was the first major battle of the Trans-Mississippi Theater of the American Civil War -
Battle of Santa Rosa Island
The Battle of Santa Rosa Island (October 9, 1861) was an unsuccessful Confederate attempt to take Union-held Fort Pickens on Santa Rosa Island, Florida -
Battle of Belmont
It was the first combat test in the American Civil War for Brig -
Battle of Port Royal Sound
The Battle of Port Royal was one of the earliest amphibious operations of the American Civil War, in which a United States Navy fleet and United States Army expeditionary force captured Port Royal Sound, South Carolina, between Savannah, Georgia and Charleston, South Carolina -
Battle Of Hampton Roads
The Battle of Hampton Roads, often referred to as either the Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack or the Battle of Ironclads, was the most noted and arguably most important naval battle