Siege of Fort Sumter
The South bombarded Fort Sumter, on the coast of South Carolina. This started the Civil War. The Cause had been it was a source of tension for both sides.The Effect of this was it marked the start of the Civil War. -
Battle of Bull Run
The Battle of Bull Run was fought in Prince William County, Virginia. The significance of this Battle is that it was the first major battle of the Civil War. the cause of Bull Run is that the Union tried to get into the heart of the south, and they were stopped by people camping at Bull Run. The Effect of Bull Run is that it gave the south confidence and Union Soldiers were disheartend by the loss. -
Battle of Antietam
This Battle was fought in Antietam Creek. The significance of this battle is that it was the single bloodiest day in U.S. history. The Effect of this battle was that it was a union victory and it was used as propoganda for the Emancipation Proclomation. The cause of this was that it halted southern advance into Maryland. -
Emancipation Proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation was a document that freed all slaves in the South but not in border states. The cause was to try to get slaves to revolt or masters to grant them freedom. The significance was that the North haven't won yet so they could not do anything to the south. -
Battle of Gettysburg
The Battle of Gettysburg was a 3-day battle fought in the north. Many people were lost in this Battle. The Cause of this battle was that the South wanted to speed up the war and invaded the North. The Effect is that the South were never going to do that again. The significance was it was the bloodiest battle in the Civil War. -
General Sherman's March to the Sea
The March to the Sea was a military campaign led by General Sherman. It was a Union Victory. The significance is that they captured Atlanta, Georgia. The cause was to frighten the south. The effect was the south lost an important city in the confederacy.