Civil War

  • Abraham Lincoln Become President

    Abraham Lincoln Become President
    The 1860 election is the year that abraham lincoln got elected. This caused many problems in the united states. One of the problems is that the south didnt trust lincoln becaause they thought that he would abolish slavery when he became president. Eventually the south said that would secede which is leaving and making their own country. The reason they said they wanted to secede was because they didnt like lincoln and they left because. They thought they could leave cause they joined at free wil
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    South carolina seceded because of lincoln and they didnt trust him. They were also a slave state so they didnt want their main cause of income and the things that helped their economy to be taken away(slaves). They also wanted to set the tone for the other states so they could follow suit and they would have their own country with their own slaves.
  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    Attack on Fort Sumter
    Attack on fort sumter was the souths attack on the north berfore the union ships arrive. The south attacked them because they were mad at abraham lincolns statements and because because lincoln said that he was sneding supplies down to the south and the confedrates didnt like that and saw it as an attack. And they said that they wouldnt supply their troops with supplies.
  • Battle of bull run/ Manassas

    Battle of bull run/ Manassas
    This battle was the first official battle since the war was delcared. The unions strategy was to capture the souths capital, the reason this was a good thing is because that is their control center and it would speed the war.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    The battle of Antietam is a one of the most know civil war battles. This is because it is the known as the bloodiest american war. It is also very known because this was the unions very first win in the civil war. The reason they won is becuse the south had a plan to ambush the union but the north found their plains that were hidden in a cigar so they knew their plan. And 25000 soilders were killed.
  • Battle of Fredricksburg

    Battle of Fredricksburg
    The battle of fredricksburg was a battle lead by the unions new genral, genral abmbrose burnside. The confedarates ended uo taking the victory. Which made the union lose morales and have to change their strageties.
  • Emancipation Proclemation

    Emancipation Proclemation
    The emancipation proclemation was issued after the union won their first battle at antietam. The emacipation proclimation stated that all slaves in the conferate states would be freed and allowed to join the military in war. It also help free all the slaves by helping push out the 13th admedment
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    The battle of vickburg was a battle led by genral ulysess s. Grant. The confedrates lost this battle one day apart from the battle of gettysburg. The andoconda plan was fulfilled and the north split the south up.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The battle of Gettysburg was the turning point of the war. The union ended up wining the battle. About 23,000 union troops died and 28,000 confedarets died. The confedrates lost 1/3 of their troops. This is known as the turning point of the war because this was the last time the south ever tried to invade the north.
  • 54th Massachusetts Fight at Fort Wagner

    54th Massachusetts Fight at Fort Wagner
    This was the first battle that the union let a slave lead their own battle. Most famous union soliders. The union lost the war badly but it was still important because it was the first battle led by slaves.
  • Gettysburg Adress

    Gettysburg Adress
    The gettysburg adress was a speech lincoln gave to the union troops after the battle of getysburg. It was dedcated to all the fallen soilders and the pople that risked their life to fight for the country. And it was also to incourage the soilders to keep fighting and to not die in vain. ANd this is one of the most famous speeches even though it was only 2 minutes and 272 words long.
  • Shermans March to the Sea

    Shermans March to the Sea
    Genrall william sherman marched 60,000 men 285 miles to the sea. And started total war which is war against the enemy and anybody who supports the enemy. ANd he also had this thing called sherman bowties which was when they would heat whales up and spin them around.
  • 13th admedment

    13th admedment
    The 13th admedment abolished all slavery in all of the united states. It also prohibted involuntary servitude. And it nulified the 3/5th compramise and the fugitive slave act
  • Surender at Appomattox Courthouse

    Surender at Appomattox Courthouse
    The south surrenderd at this court house april the eighth 1865 in a small virgia town. The south wanted to stop fighting and return home in peace. ANd start rebuilding the south.