
Civil War

  • Missouri Compromise Of 1820

    Missouri Compromise Of 1820
    Missouri was admitted to the union as a slave state and to balance that Maine would be admitted as a slave free state. Temporarily settled the question of the expansion of slavery by dividing the Louisiana Purchase into free and slave areas.
  • Nat Turner's Slave Revolt

    Nat Turner's Slave Revolt
    Rebellion by Nat Turner, a slave preacher, along with approximately 80 slaves marched from farm to farm assaulting white inhabitants, killing 60 whites, Turner and 17 others were executed. This rebellion caused the Virginia legislature to tighten the restrictions of slavery, banning free African Americans from owning firearms or from learning to read.
  • The Wilmot Proviso

    The Wilmot Proviso
    Congressman David Wilmot of Pennsylvania proposed a resolution prohibiting slavery from all territory acquired from Mexico. Every Northerner supported the Wilmot Proviso while nearly all Southerners opposed it.Passed in the house but failed in the senate.
  • Compromise Of 1850

    Compromise Of 1850
    Arose to keep the balance of power in Congress. California was admitted as a free state. Slave trade but not slavery its self would be abolished in the nations capital. A strict new law would allow Southerners to reclaim run away slaves. The status of slavery in the remaining territories acquired from Mexico would be left to the decision of the local white inhabitants.
  • Publication Of Uncle Tom's CABIN

    Publication Of Uncle Tom's CABIN
    A novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, it was an anti slavery story modeled on the autobiography of the fugitive Joshua Henson, it was an important part of the abolitionist movement.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    A sporadic Civil War in Kansas in which 200 people died. A pro slavery mob attacked the free-soil stronghold of Lawrence, burning buildings and wrecking private homes. This incident highlighted the tension between those who were for slavery and those who were against it.