XIII Amendment
The 13th amendment abloshied slavery in the United States, it was part of reconstruction. This was a huge part of American histotry and was the begining of the civil rights movement in my opinion. -
XIV Amendment
the 14th amendment says shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
It has been used in many many court causes for forgieners that had their right violated in America and it states that everyone in America is equal. -
XV Amendment
This amendment gave african American men the right to vote. It said you can not denie the right to vote based on race or color. The full rights were not givien until later becasue of poll taxes and literacy tests, also women were not alowed to vote by this amendment. -
Plessy VS. Ferguson
A mixed male sat in the white section of a train and then was moved to the black section and he noticed that the black section was not equal to the white section. When he took it to court the court ruled that seperate facilities had to be equal. " Seperate but equal" was not said but that is what came about because of this case. -
XIX Amendment
The 19th amendment is the right for sufferage.The 19th was primarly made to give rights to women to vote but it made it equal for everyone to vote. Susan B Anthony was a leader in this case. It took along time for women to gain sufferage but once the 19th amendment was ratified it forever guarenteeded the right for womens voting. -
Korematsu VS. United States
Executive Order 9066 pretty much gave the power to the US to put people of Japenesse ancestry into interment camps regardless of cizenship. The US won the case with a 6 to 3 vote. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor the US interneded any japaness peson and did it for our "safety". Korematsu said it was a violation of his 5th amendment rights but the US though otherwise. -
Jim Crow laws
Jim Crow laws were laws that prevented African Americans from having the rights they deserved. They were laws at state and lower levels that made de jure segregation legal in public places like water fountains, to resterants and everywhere inbetween. The law were completly unfair. Jim Crow laws were finally overturned by the Civil Rights Act of 64 and the Voting rights act of 65. -
Sweatt VS. Painter
Sweatt was african american and wanted to go to University of Texas and he was denied then he fought that so the school built a seperate black law school but it was not equal and thats why Sweatt won his case in the end. It was ruled that the new school was in no way equal to the white school and was not acceptable as a seperate but equal facility. -
Brown VS. Board of Education
Overturned Plessy VS Fergison. Made segragation in schools illegal. The rulling in this case was a major victory for civil right movements. There were multipule cases that went along with brown and they were heard by the Supreme Court in 1952 that went along with Brown argument. Brown won the case because it was a violation of the 14th amenedment. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
When Rosa Parks was arressted it started a protest agaisnt the bus services in the south in Alabama. It lasted a while and was ended with the ruling of segragation of busses as unconstitutional. Many peopel joind in this protest and it was not just African Americans, alot of young white college age kids who were inoled in the civil rights movements joined in as well. -
Literacy Tests
1890s-1960s are when lieracy test where most common a prominate. Literacy tests where given to people who went to vote and it was designed to keep blacks and poor whites from being able to vote. It was unfair and had always been. The test was not easy and along with voting taxes it was just another obstical for blacks being able to vote. -
Affirmative Action
Started as a way to fight racial discrimination during the hiring process in the 1960s. Also helped fight sex discrmination during the hiring process. Executive order 10925 signed by JFK said "not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, or national origin" in the government employers. -
XXIV Amendment
This amendment prohibits any kind of poll tax. Poll taxes were used against Afrian Americans to keep them from voting, It wasnt originaly made to keep African Americans from voting but it was later on used for that along with literacy tests to keep poor "un-educated" folk from voting. I think this amendment should have passed sooner. -
Poll Taxes
Poll taxes were not particarly liked from anyone but it was trageted so that poor blacks and whites but mainly blacks couldnt afford to vote so even though they were legally alowed to they still had to pay a poll tax that wasnt always easy to pay and they had to take a literacy test. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Voting Rights Act of 1965
This act prohibited racial discrimination in voting. It gave freeedo to minorites to vote in America where they hadnt been able to before. This was a very importiant case in the civil rights movement. LBJ signed the act. -
Robert Kennedy Speech in Indianapolis upon death of MLK
Kennedy was in Indianapolis when MLK was shot and he gave a speech. Most people had not heard yet that king had been killed and it was a shock to the crowd, there was concern for riots and protest but Kennedy went ahead and adressed the public anyway. -
Reed VS. Reed
A couple was fighting over the rights to their dead son and the law said the rights should go to a man but then that was fought in court and ruled unconstitutional by the 14th amendmant and equal protection clause. -
Regents of the University of California VS. Bakke
Bakke was denied multiple times for admission to University of California and they had a program where race and age were factors in being accepted and Bakke was turmed down becuse of his age. He filied suit and ultimately was accepted to the school and the program was dropped but the ruling did not say that schools couldnt use race and age as an acceptance factor. -
Equal Rights Amendment
The ERA was started to make equal rights for women. It was passed in both houses but when the states had to ratifiy it not enog hstates did and it went through a few deadlines with out having enough states pass it. Some states even revoked their votes for the ERA after few states passed it. -
Bowers VS. Hardwick
The police entered Hardwicks house illegaly and illegaly searched the home where they found Hardwick commting sodomy and then they proceeded to aresst both men. Hardwick to this to court trying to use his 14th amenment rights but the court ultimately decided against Hardwick. This case was overturned in 2003 with the Lawrence VS. Texas ruling. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
the ADA required employers to provide reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities. Also they had to imposes accessibility on public accommodations. The ADA also provides some of the same protections as the Civil Rights act of 1964. The ADA made it easier and more fair for people with disablities to get jobs and made it easier for disabled people to get around because bussnesses had to accomidate for people with disablities. -
Lawrence VS. Texas
Three men where at an appartment together. One man was angry about the other two flititing and he left and calle the police saying there was a black man going crazy with a gun and the police arrived and entered the appartment to find the two remaining men sexual engaged. Texas lost with a vot of 6 to 3 because of the 14th amendment. This case made it so it is legal for same-sex sexual activty in every state. -
Fisher VS. Texas
The University of Texas used race a a determining factor on who got into the universitys undergraduate program and Fisher applied and was denied, she then filied suit saying that using race as a factor was againts her 14th amendment rights. Fisher ended up winning with a vote of 7 to 1. -
Indiana Gay rights
U.S. District Court Judge Young turned down Indiana's ban on marriage for same-sex couples. Saying that the law violates the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of equal protection and due process.Same-sex couples were able to marry for a few days until the rulling was appeled and is now schedualed to be heard by the Supreme Court Setpember 25, 2014.