National Defense Education Act (NDEA)
This act was created after the Soviet Union launched the worlds first satellite and sparked a nationwide fear of Soviet Dominion. The Idea of this act was that the best defense is a good (educational) offense. NDEA provided federal funding for science, technology, engineering, math, and foreign language education. This was known to be the beginning of federal standards in education. -
Civil Rights Act
This act included a provision that protects the constitutional rights of individuals in public education. This act opened a door for education by prohibiting the discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in any programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. The education amendments of the Civil Rights Act are now called the Equal Opportunity in Education Act. -
The Economic Opportunity Act (EOA)
The EOA was designed to help the general welfare and people with low socioeconomic status's, by putting them to work. It also enforced programs to promote health and education. The EOA provided for the beginning of Head Start, which is one of the longest running programs to address systemic poverty in the US. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
This act was passed by congress to more fully fund primary and secondary education and provides monies to help educate children from low income families. Funds are created to provide academic support and learning opportunities so that children can master challenging curricula and meet state standards in core academic subjects. -
The Education of all Handicapped Children Act
EAHC mandates that in order to receive federal funds, states must develop and implement policies that ensure a free and appropriate education for all children with disabilities. This ensures that handicapped children in public schools will get one free meal each school day and and will have just access to an education. -
Individuals with Disabilities Act
IDEA strives for inclusion and making classroom environments and the curriculum accessible for all children. This act was the foundation for the integration and blending of early childhood education and and early childhood special education. -
No Child Left Behind Act
The main goal of this act is to close student achievement gaps by providing all children with a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. NCLB emphasizes accountability through testing. It provides federal funding for schools that gather high test scores and meet adequate yearly progress standards. -
Every Student Succeeds Act
This Act was signed by President Obama and regards everything from testing, teacher quality, to low performing schools. This act goes into effect for the 2017/2018 school year. The main objective is that states can pick their own goals. These goals must address proficiency on tests, English-language proficiency, and graduation rates. Also, the goals have to set an expectation that all groups that are furthest behind close gaps in achievement and graduation rates.