Civil Rights Timeline Activity

  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    Slavery was finally considered an illegal act.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    Everyone born or naturalized in the United states is an official citizen.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    Every citizen in America has the right to vote.
  • Plessey v. Ferguson

    Plessey v. Ferguson
    It was a supreme case that caused racial segregation laws to be upheld.
  • Truman desegregates the military

    Truman desegregates the military
    President Truman abolished racial discrimination with the military.
  • Brown v. Board of Ed.

    Brown v. Board of Ed.
    Oliver Brown went to case because public had racial segregation.
  • Rosa Parks/Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Rosa Parks/Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Rosa parks decided to sit in the front of the bus and stay because colored people were supposed to stay in the back of the bus. The Bus boycott also wanted colored people to see in front of the bus but they didn't ride the bus at all if they didn't get the chance.
  • Little Rock Crisis

    Little Rock Crisis
    The guard was ordered to not allow African Americans to enroll in the Central High school.
  • Sit-in Movement

    Sit-in Movement
    African Americans sat in stores in the white area to show that their rights also matter.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    Blacks and Whites against racial segregation rode in buses into the South.
  • James Meredith and Ole Miss

    James Meredith and Ole Miss
    James Meredith tried to enroll into a all white university in the south
  • Letter from a Birmingham Jail

    Letter from a Birmingham Jail
    A letter was written Martin Luther King Jr in jail about defending nonviolence against racial segregation.
  • Civil Rights act of 1964

    Civil Rights act of 1964
    This was the civil rights movement that occurred in 1964 and ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination.
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    Freedom summer of a voting registration project where they tried to expand black voting
  • Selma March

    Selma March
    In this event many blacks along with whites walked through Selma to show and fight for blacks to be able to vote.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    This event talks about how the president signed into law to overcome legal barriers and local levels against African Americans not being able to vote.