Civil Rights Timeline

By sreeves
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    Abolished slavery in the U.S.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    Rights of citizenship, due process of law, and equal protection of the law. The 14th amendment has become one of the most used amendments in court to date regarding the equal protection clause.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    Granted African American men the right to vote.
  • Tuskegee Institute created

    Tuskegee Institute created
    Founded by Booker T. Washington, an institute of educational and job training.
    Gave African Americans academic programs and a place for higher education.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    Was the decision made by the Supreme Court that got rid of segregation laws for public places as long as segregated places were equal in quality.
    Made the statement ¨separate, but equal¨.
  • NAACP created

    NAACP created
    Secure equality of rights to eliminate discrimination and ensure the health and well being of everyone.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The government couldn't deny a person the right to vote based on gender.
  • Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) proposed

    Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) proposed
    Guarantee equal rights for all american citizens regardless of sex.
    They made it so everyone, no matter what they look like, can vote on any issue.
  • Executive Order 9981

    Executive Order 9981
    Truman's order to desegregate the military.
    They made it so everyone was able to serve in the military no matter the color of their skin.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Little girl was denied entrance to an all white elementary school.
    This brought up the ¨separate but equal¨ rule, saying it was not equal. Congress ended up desegregating schools.
  • Period: to

    Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Social protest campaign against racial segregation on the public transit system of Montgomery, Alabama.
    The first large scale U.S. demonstration against segregation.
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    9 Students enrolled in Little Rock Central High School, where they were prevented from entering the racially segregated school by AK governor Orval Fabus.
    They created Little Rock 9 foundation to promote the ideals of justice and educational equality.
  • Greensboro, NC Sit-ins

    Greensboro, NC Sit-ins
    Civil Rights protest that started in 1960, when young African American students staged a sit in at a segregated Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, NC, and refused to leave after being denied service.
  • Cesar Chavez

    Cesar Chavez
    After working as a community and labor organizer in the 1950s, Chavez founded the National Farm Workers Association in 1962. As a labor leader, Chavez employed nonviolent means to bring attention to the plight of farm workers. He led marches, called for boycotts and went on several hunger strikes.
  • Period: to

    Chicano Mural Movement

    This was the equivalent of the Civil Rights movement for Mexican Americans. This movement included student demonstrations to press for bilingual education, the hiring of more Chicano teachers, and the creation of Chicano studies programs,. By the 1970´s dozens of such programs were offered at universities throughout the region
  • 24th Amendment

    24th Amendment
    Prohibits both congress and the states from telling people they couldn't vote unless they made a payment of a poll tax or other types of tax.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Outlawed discrimination in public places (any business open to the public) on basis or race, color, national origin, or religion.
  • Thurgood Marshall Appointed to Supreme Court Justice

    Thurgood Marshall Appointed to Supreme Court Justice
    First African American Supreme Court Justice, played an important part in ending legal segregation during the civil rights movement through the 1954 cases Brown v. Board of Education.
  • MLK Assasinated

    MLK Assasinated
    MLK shot in Georgia.
    His assassination led to an outpouring of anger among black Americans.
  • American Indian Movement (AIM)

    American Indian Movement (AIM)
    American Indian advocacy group organized to address issue related to sovereignty leadership and treaties.