13th Amendment
Abolished slavery and "involuntary servitude". -
14th Amendment
Freed Black Americans, states can no longer deny them equal rights. -
15th Amendment
African American right to vote. -
Jim Crow laws
legal segregation of colors. -
Poll Taxes and Literary Tests
These were implemented in order to keep poor or uneducated african americans from being able to vote after the 15th amendment was passed. -
Plessy v. Ferguson
Involved a 1/8th colored free man that boarded the "white-only" train car and was told to move and was arrested for not doing so. This case established the "Separate but Equal" doctrine on a federal level. -
19th Amendment
This amendment granted all women the right to vote. -
Korematsu v. U.S.
Deemed the interment of japanese americans in the midst of WWII constitutional as it was a time of war. -
Sweatt v. Painter
Attempted to reverse the "separate but equal descision" but fell short as the specific circumstances didn't allow for a definite descision. Played a big role in Brown v. Board of Education. -
Brown v. Board of Education
Reversed the "separate but equal" doctrine, brought up by segregation within the school system to show that "separate but equal" wasn't really equal. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Boycott from riding the bus after the Rosa Parks incident -
24th Amendment
Ended Poll taxes for voting. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Prevents discrimination from public welfare, areas, and facilities based on race or ethnicity. Prohitibed unequal application of voting requirements and expanded the civil rights commision. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Attempted to overcome barriers at the state and local levels that prevented african americans from using their 15th amendment right to vote. -
Robert Kennedy Speech in Indianapolis
Very influential speech in civil rights and caused mass rioting all over the u.s. -
Reed v. Reed
Stopped gender discrimination in decided who obtains the estate of a deceased relative. -
Regents of the University of California v. Bakke
Allows for affirmative action but banned racial quotas. -
Equal Rights Amendment
This was meant to ban sexual discrimination for work and other opportunities. It fell short in being ratified and was never implemented. -
Bowers v. Hardwick
Upheld the Georgia Sodomy Law banning gay oral and anal sex. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
This act ended legal discrimination against people with diabilities within the workplace and other opportunities. It was modeled after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but to contain people with disabilities. -
Affirmative Action
Attempt to end federal affirmative action programs, was highly protested. -
Lawerence v. Texas
Struck down all state sodomy laws. -
Fisher v. Texas
Failed to find anything illegal done by the university in it's affirmative action attempts. -
Indiana Gay Rights
The gay marriage ban passed by the state was deemed unconstitutional.