Map of Segregation
This map shows de jure segregation by state. Jim Crowe laws were made and people in the South would live by them. -
Brown v. Board of Education
Brown v. Board was a Supreme Court case that ended “separate but equal” stating that separate was inherently unequal. This changed segregation in schools and made it illegal. Link -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
The Montgomery Bus Boycott was initially started by Rosa Parks and led to a protest saying that segregation on public buses was unconstitutional. This changed the US by giving Northern white Americans a view on how black Americans in the South were being treated. Link -
Little Rock 9
The Little Rock 9 were 9 black kids that were integrated into a white school in Topeka. The first day, they were pushed away by the Arkansas National Guard. This led to the President getting involved and sending in the 101st Airborne Division to escort them into the school and keep them safe. This changed the US by getting black kids into a white school. Link -
Greensboro 4
The Greensboro 4 were four young black men that staged a sit-in at a white only bar. This brought attention to the Civil Rights movement because sit ins spread nationwide and young black Americans started to speak up and act out against the unlawful laws. Link -
Freedom Riders
Freedom Riders were black people that rode buses into the Jim Crow south and stopped at bus stops that were segregated and went and sat at the opposite color’s spots. Buses were firebombed and this brought even more attention to black people that northern white people didn’t even realize was going on. Link -
MLK Quote
“Our lives being to end the day we become silent about things that matter.“
- Martin Luther King Jr. This just means that when you stop fighting for the things that matter, your life become less and less important to yourself. -
Birmingham Demonstrations
The Birmingham Demonstrations were a series of demonstrations that black people put on and policemen and firemen repelled and sprayed them with water, sometimes giving them injuries. This was highly televised and was seen by lots of Americans, furthering the attention. Link -
March on Washington
The March on Washington is often overlooked because Martin Luther King Jr. told his “I have a dream” speech. This was also a highly televised event and gained a large following, both in person and over the TV. Link -
LBJ Quote
”Let us close the springs of poison. Let us pray for wise and understanding hearts. Let us set aside irrelevant differences and make our nation whole.”
- President Lyndon B. Johnson -
Unemployment Rates, black v. white
This graph shows the unemployment rate of black Americans during the 1960s -
Civil Rights Act
The Civil Rights Act was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson and this outlawed segregation in public places. This made it illegal to segregate based on race in any public space. Link -
March from Selma
The Montgomery to Selma march took place in Alabama and they took a walk up to the government building. The police was dispatched and waiting for them, and they beat the black protestors. Link -
MLK Assassination
Martin Luther King Jr. was shot outside on his balcony. People tried to wrap their heads around why someone would kill MLK and he got a lot of national view. Link