Civil Rights TImeline

  • KEY

    Legislation/Supreme Court Case⚡️
    Violence by Protesters🌝
    Violence by Opposition🍄
    No Violence🐚
  • Emmett Till's Murder.🌝

    Emmett Till's Murder.🌝
    Emmet Till was kidnapped and brutally murdered by 2 white men, which brought the subject of the treatment of young African Americans to the public eye, and fueled the movement for equal rights.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott🌏

    Montgomery Bus Boycott🌏
    A mass boycott of Montgomery’s bus transportation system that was sparked by the actions of Rosa Parks who refused to give up her seat for a white man. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the orchestrators of the boycott, and the goal of the boycott was a success: Montgomery was forced to integrate their bus systems.
  • Greensboro Sit in🌏

    Greensboro Sit in🌏
    A nonviolent protest against a segregated lunch counter in Greensboro that led to a wider sit in movement throughout the entire south.
  • Little Rock Nine crisis🍄

    Little Rock Nine crisis🍄
    Nine young black school girls were enrolled in a racially segregated school, but were prevented entry by the National Guard by order of the governor. The event brought racial segregation to international attention.
  • Civil rights act of 1957🌚

    Civil rights act of 1957🌚
    The first major act for civil rights since reconstruction, it outlawed interference in the right for all men to vote. It wasn't ever successfully passed, but it was a huge leap forward for the overall movement.
  • Freedom Rides🌝

    Freedom Rides🌝
    To protest segregating transportation, both black and white activists rode the same buses throughout the American south, with the black people there attempting to use White only appliances and services. During one of these stops, a molotov cocktail was thrown into the bus.
  • Integration of the University of Mississippi🌝

    Integration of the University of Mississippi🌝
    Riots broke out when James Meredith attempted to enroll in an all white University to integrate it. Nontheless, the enrollment and addendence succeeded.
  • March on Washington🐚

    March on Washington🐚
    A massive non-violent march to Washington DC for jobs and freedom, calling for an end to racism and human rights. The climax of the march was King delivering the "I have a dream" speech at the end.
  • Voting rights act of 1965🌚

    Voting rights act of 1965🌚
    Essentially a succeeded version of the civil rights act of 1957 above, this was a piece of legislation that overcame the legal barriers that prevented black citizens from getting to the voting booth. This was a very far reaching event in the civil rights movement.
  • Assasination of Martin Luther King Jr.🍄

    Assasination of Martin Luther King Jr.🍄
    On April 4th of 1968, Martin Luther King Kr. was assasinated, which fueled the anger of blacks all across the country, and was an unbearable tragedy for much of the country.
  • Swann v. Charlotte Mecklenburg Board of Education⚡️

    Swann v. Charlotte Mecklenburg Board of Education⚡️
    A supreme court case in which the supreme court declared that busing programs that sped up integration in Charlotte would be kept legal, keeping the integration movement going.
  • Shirley Chisolm’s Presidential Campaign🌚

    Shirley Chisolm’s Presidential Campaign🌚
    Shirley was the first black women to be nominated by a major party for the 1972 election.
  • Hank Aaron’s Home Run Record🐚

    Hank Aaron’s Home Run Record🐚
    Hank Aaron, a black man, hit 715 home runs, breaking the record then held by Babe Ruth, marking a huge achievment for blacks everywhere.
  • Barbara Jordan’s Address at the Democratic National Convention🌚

    Barbara Jordan’s Address at the Democratic National Convention🌚
    Barbara Jordan, a member of the house of representatives, delivers the keynote adress, where she stated that they were all searching for a national community and to fulfill the promise of America.
  • University of California v. Bakke⚡️

    University of California v. Bakke⚡️
    A supreme court case involving an applicants race in a college application as a basis in wether or not they were accepted. The case was ruled in favor of Bakke and the application declared unconstitutional.