Civil rights timeline

  • The 13 Admendment

    The 13 Admendment
    The 13th admendment abolished slavery
  • 14th Admendment

    14th Admendment
    Rights of citizenship, due process of law, and equal protection of the law. The 14th amendment has become one of the most used amendments in court to date regarding the equal protection clause.
  • 15th admendment

    15th admendment
    The 15th amendment gave african American men the right to voting and should not be denied by their race or color
  • Tuskegee Institute created

    Tuskegee Institute created
    founded by Booker T Washigton, a school created for colored people, giving student academic learning and vocal learning.
  • plessy v. ferguson

    plessy v. ferguson
    A doctrine known as “separate but equal” allowed racial segregation laws for public facilities as long as they were equal to one another.
  • NAACP created

    NAACP created
    largest civil rights movement, followed with riots. this group fought for equal education,jobs,pay
  • 19th Admendment

    19th Admendment
    The 19th amendment gave women voting rights. No longer denying those to voting based on gender
  • Equal rights admendment

    Equal rights admendment
    This amendment states that nothing should be on the biases of sex, all equal and fair
  • Executive order 9981

    Executive order 9981
    this order abolished racial segregation in the armed forces, eventually ending segregation in the services
  • Brown v. Board of education

    Brown v. Board of education
    Chief justice earl issue that racial segregation in public schools violated the equal protection clause in amendment 14. Students of color would no longer be forced to attend a school for blacks
  • Montgomery us boycott

    Montgomery us boycott
    The Montgomery bus boycott was a protest where african Americans refused to sit in the back of the bus. This was a protest against racial segregation on the public bus.
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) formed

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) formed
    African american civil rights movement. to gain full equality for african americans. organized large marches on washington and freedom riders
  • Little rock nine

    Little rock nine
    Nine African American students who attended little rock Central High School. Where not allowed to enter the racial segregated school. They were testing the brown v. education. The court's decision was made to get rid of the Jim crow laws of separate schools for blacks and whites.
  • Civil rights act of 1957

    Civil rights act of 1957
    This act brought light to the African Americans and initiated a better role in protecting African Americans rights.
  • Freedom riders

    Freedom riders
    A group of African Americans and whites that rode the bus terminals to protest segregated bus terminals as well as bathrooms labeled as for whites. These groups main goal was to draw attention to the civil rights movement.
  • March from Selma, Alabam

    March from Selma, Alabam
    This was a protest led by MLK. 25,000 people participated in a 50 mile hike, this became a landmark in the civil rights movement and led to the passing of the voting rights in 1965.
  • Black Panthers

    Black Panthers
    The black party for self defense was founded by college students helping build communities.
  • Thurgood Marshall appointed to the Supreme Court

    Thurgood Marshall appointed to the Supreme Court
    Marshall won the case brown v. education which ended segregation in public schools. He was important in the civil rights movement and he helped the NAACP to gain rights for blacks.
  • MLK assassinated

    MLK assassinated
    MLK was a civil rights leader and was a very important voice in the civil rights movement. MLK was shot on April 4th 1968 while standing outside on his balcony.
  • American Indian Movement (AIM)

    American Indian Movement (AIM)
    The American Indian Movement was created to fight for equal rights, equal education, equal wages