Civil Rights timeline

  • 13th amendment- African American

    13th amendment- African American
    This amendment abolished slavery
  • 14th Amendment-All

    Rights of citizenship, due process of law, and equal protection of the law. The 14th amendment has become one of the most used amendments in court to date regarding the equal protection clause.
  • 15th Amendment-All races

    Everybody has rights, regaurdless of their race.
  • Tuskegee Institute Created- African Americans

    Tuskegee Institute was founded by Booker T. Washington in 1881 under a charter from the Alabama legislature for the purpose of training teachers in Alabama. Tuskegee's program provided students with both academic and vocational training.
  • Plessy v Ferguson-African Americans

    The separate but equal resolution came about.
  • NAACP Created- African Americans

    It was created for the purpose of getting equal rights
  • 19th Amendment-Women

    Gave women the right to vote
  • Exectutive order 9981-All Races

    The executive order that got rid of racial discrimination
  • Browne v Board of Education-African Americans

    What came out of this was segregation was gone from public schools.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott-African Americans

    Started because people of color had to sit at the back of the bus, Rosa Parks stood up for her cause and started the boycott.
  • Little Rock 9-African Americans

    Started because the students wouldn’t be let into their school. It resulted in the students being escorted into school by armed guards
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957-All

    This was the first federal civil rights legislation
  • Chicano Movement (Mural Movement)-Chicanos

    Mexican American Civil rights movement. Artists began using the walls of city buildings, housing projects, schools and churches to depict Mexican-American culture
  • Freedom Riders-African Americans

    Civil rights activists who rode interstate buses into the segregated southern U.S. challenged and protested local laws that ignored integration.
  • Dr. King’s: “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”-African Americans

    He defends the strategy of non-violent resistance to racism
  • March on Washington: “I have a dream” speech-African Americans

    He called for civil and economic rights and an end to racism in the U.S.
  • 24th Amendment-African Americans

    Prohibits the poll tax in elections
  • Civil Rights act of 1964-All

    LBJ outlaws discriminattion based on race/sex/ religion or national origin. it prohibits unequal application of voter registration, requirements and racial segragation in schools, employment and public accomodations
  • Black Panthers-African Americans

    Political organization founded to challenge police brutality against the african american community.
  • Thurgood Marshal appointed to the supreme court-African Americans

    Layer for the NAACP that argued brown v board of ed, appointed by lbj, first african american to serve on the supreme court