Civil Rights Timeine

  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    Court case that made segregation legal by stating that separate but equal facilities were allowed.

    African American Civil rights organization to eliminate racism.
  • Malcom X

    Malcom X
    He was a civil rights activist along with being a minister.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Court case which declared that separate schools for white and black people was unconstitutional.
  • Thurgood Marshall

    Thurgood Marshall
    He was part of the supreme court but before becoming that he was a lawyer and he won the Brown v. education court case.
  • Emmett Till

    Emmett Till
    He was an African American boy who was lynched for flirting with a white women.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat for a white man. She was jailed and fined. Following that a boycott began.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    She was a civil rights activist and put in jail for refusing to give her seat to a white man on a bus. This eventually led to the Montgomery bus boycotts.
  • Little Rock School Integration

    Little Rock School Integration
    9 black students were not allowed into Little Rock central High School. Governor of Arkansas would not let them enter. This went against Brown v. Board of Education.
  • The Sit-ins

    The Sit-ins
    African American protesters would go sit at segregated lunch tables until they were served, they were humiliated and intimidated by the white people.
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    Civil rights activist rode segregated buses in the southern states to challenge the rulings of a previous court case, Irene Morgan v. The commonwealth of Virginia.
  • March on Birmingham, Alabama

    March on Birmingham, Alabama
    Led by SCLC and MLK Jr. they wanted to bring attention to the mistreatment of African Americans in Birmingham.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    Around 200,000 people gathered in Washington D.C. led by civil rights leaders and groups. This is where MLK Jr. gave his famous 'I have a dream speech"
  • Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

    Dr Martin Luther King Jr.
    He was the leader of the African American Civil Rights Movement. he is famous for his speeches and for trying to reach an end of racism. Dr. MLK Jr. was inspired by people like Thoreau who wrote civil disobedience which talked about a persons responsibility. Also by Randolph who was a social activist, he ended racial discrimination in government. Ghana also inspired humbly being an anti-war civil activist.
  • 24th Amendment

    24th Amendment
    This amendment got rid of the tax people had to pay to vote for federal officials.
  • Civil Rights Act of !964

    Civil Rights Act of !964
    This act ended segregation in public places and banned mistreatment based off of race, color, religion, etc
  • March to Selma to Montgomery for voting rights

    March to Selma to Montgomery for voting rights
    MLK Jr.led a march from Selma to Montgomery with 2,000 people following. They were protected by the U.S. army and marched for the right to carry out their protest and eventuality led to the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    Tried to overcome barriers that prevented African Americans from voting using their rights under the 15th amendment. Signed by President Lyndon Johnson
  • Race Riots

    Race Riots
    One of the worst riots broke out in Los Angeles, 34 people were killed. These riots continued in over 100 cities.
  • De Jure vs. De Facto Segregation

    De Jure vs. De Facto Segregation
    De Jure segregation was segregation because of local laws that mandated the segregation.
    De Facto segregation was segregation that was not segregation by law.
  • Black Panther Party

    Black Panther Party
    Monitored police brutality in Oakland, California.