Civil Rights Pictorial Timeline Jake Porter

  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    ( African American) (Liberty to all slaves) Abolish slavery
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    ( All )Rights of citizenship, due process of law, and equal protection of the law. The 14th amendment has become one of the most used amendments in court to date regarding the equal protection clause
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    (civil rights gained by all) The right of a citizen to vote should not be denied or abridged by The United States or any state on account of race.
  • Tuskegee institute created

    Tuskegee institute created
    ( African American) (Educataion)A school for African Americans made in Alabama and was also used to train teachers.
  • Plessy vs Ferguson

    Plessy vs Ferguson
    (African American) (non white people) This court case legalized segregation and the ¨ separate but equal.¨

    (All) W.E.B. Du Bois founded the National Association for the
    Advancement of Colored People and it was a Civil Rights organization to help fight for African American rights.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    (Women)Gave the right for women to vote and The United State shall not discriminate against gender.
  • Executive Order 9981

    Executive Order 9981
    (colored people in the army) (all) Got rid of segregation in the army and made troops fight side by side.
  • Brown Vs. Board Of Education

    Brown Vs. Board Of Education
    (African American) Integrated schools and brought people together.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycotts

    Montgomery Bus Boycotts
    (African American) African Americans boycotted the segregation on the busses and stopped riding.
  • Christian Leadership Conference

    Christian Leadership Conference
    (African American) Advanced civil rights in non violent fashion and moved a lot of people. Famous member Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    (African American) President sent down troops for students to attend the school they were meant to go to.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957

    Civil Rights Act of 1957
    (All)President Eisenhower established the Civil Rights act and what that did was have the Department Of Justice go after people who where stopping others from voting
  • Greensboro, NC Sit Ins

    Greensboro, NC Sit Ins
    (African Americans) (Protesting for all) Four African American teens sat in a whites only section to protest segregation.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    (All) A group of Civil Rights Activist that would ride into town and would help register people to vote.
  • Cesar Chavez

    Cesar Chavez
    (Larino) (farmers) Co-founded National Farm Workers Association.
  • Dr. Kings ¨ Letter from Birmingham jail¨

    Dr. Kings ¨ Letter from Birmingham jail¨
    (African American) He defends his tactics and states that this is the best way to get cities attention.
  • I have a dream speech

    I have a dream speech
    (Fighting for equal rights for all) Dr.King called for economic and civil rights and the end of racism in the U.S.
  • 24th Amendment

    24th Amendment
    (All) Prohibits Poll Tax in elections. Making it fair for everyone to vote.
  • Black Panthers

    Black Panthers
    (African American) Political group founded to fight back against police brutality and used non peaceful ways.