Civil Rights Movement Timeline

By elwentz
  • Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) established.

    the Congress of Racial Equality was an Afican-American civil rights orginization that helped the African Americans. this was very important because the group backed up African Americans.
  • The Supreme Court said segregation on busses that crosses state borders was illegal.

    this meant that on busses that crosses state borders, anyone of any race, can sit wherever they want on the busses. this was a very important act because this meant that "colored" people were becoming more equal to "whites". This alos lead to more laws being placed to make all Americans equal. (
  • Discrimination in the armed forces was banned.

    this meant that you could be of any race to join the military. this really helped the "colored" people to get jobs, and to support their familys. this also helped the military gain more power. (
  • The Supreme Court declared segregation in schools to be unconstitutional.

    this act ensured that all kids could attend any school. this was very importany becasue the parents wanted their children to get a proper education and better schools. (
  • Dr Martin Luther King became President of the Southern ChristianLeadership Conference.

    Dr. Martin luther King Jr. was President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference which made him more popular and more people heard what he had to say about how everyone should be treated equal and why discrimination was wrong. this was important because people noticwed him more and they held more protests. (
  • 250,000 civil rights protesters marched in Washington

    there were 250,000 people who protested in Washington about the civil rights granted to all Americans. this was very important because so many people were imvolved in a protest so it made a huge scene that deffenitly had bug effects.
  • Dr. Martin Luther King was awarded the Noble Peace Prize

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was awarded the Noble Peace Prize because of how he effected our country and how he changed the way people viewed the discrimination between white and "colored" people. (