Civil Rights Movement

  • Atlanta Exposition

    Atlanta Exposition
  • Plessy V Ferguson Case

    Plessy V Ferguson Case
  • Booker T Washington goes to the white house

    Booker T Washington goes to the white house
  • Lynchings occurred throughout the US

    Lynchings occurred throughout the US
  • WEB Dubois

    WEB Dubois
  • Johnson V Jeffries

    Johnson V Jeffries
  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
  • Race Riots occur in Chicago

    Race Riots occur in Chicago
  • Race Riots

    Race Riots
  • Marcus Garvey

    Marcus Garvey
  • The KKK

    The KKK
  • Louis Armstrong

    Louis Armstrong
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
  • Sharecropping

  • Scottsboro Boys

    Scottsboro Boys