Civil Rights Movement

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    Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr. was a leader in the African-American movement. He bagdan on the night Rosa Parks was arrested. They wanted to boycott, but they needed a leader, so Martin Luther King Jr. was elected as the leader for the boycott of the busses. In 1963 Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous "I have a Dream" speech in Alabama.
  • Eugene Talmage

    Eugene Talmage
    Eugene Talmage was the governor of Georgia and was elected for a third term. Georgians thought he was a good governor because of him lowering the taxes, but he was a white supremacist and he was ther reason that UGA lost its accreditation. This was his political downfall. Ellis Aranl soon went on to beat Talmage in the next race, but Eugene won the next time which was around the same time he died.
  • 1946 Governor's Race

    1946 Governor's Race
    Eugene Talmage was the orignal governor in 1946, but he died. Georgian were anticipationg this so they secretly voted his son in to the position of governor. However, the governor before that felt he still was the governor of Georgia. The thir person who also felt the "right" to be a governor was the Luitenent governor. All three of them were fighing over this post until the Judicial branch decided it was unconstitutional to have Herman Talmage or Ellis Arnal as the governor. Thompson became gov
  • Herman Talmadge

    Herman Talmadge
    Herman, Ellis, and Thompso all competed for the position of governor and Thompson became the governor. However, the next year Talmadge beat Thompson and became a governor of Georgia. He was a supporter of racial segregation. He was against the Civil Rights Movement. When President Johnosn signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, he boycotted the 1964 Democratic National Convention. Eugene Talmadge served many more years as goveror until he was defeated by Mack Mattingly in 1980.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    A student in Kansas thought that the schools were unfairly segregated, so Olive Brown, the parent of that child, filed a case against the board of education, but the court quickly dismissed it and said that it was constitutional. After this, Brown appealed to the Supreme Court. Fortunately, they unanimously decided that it was unconstitutional gccording to the fourteenth amendment.The judgement.
  • 1956 State Flag Contrevarsy

    1956  State Flag Contrevarsy
    The state was moving forward progressively because of the governors like Ellis Arnal and the civil rights movent, blacks were getting more freedom. Some southerners were against this, that is why they voted to change the flag to the confederate flag should be added to Georgia's State Flag. It got removed later on for it was believed to be racist.
  • Benjamin Mays

    Benjamin Mays was an educator/president at Morehouse college in Atlanta. He was also a teacher to Martin Luther King Jr. He published many books about his religion.
  • Sibley Commision

    Sibley Commision
    The Sibley commision was formed after Brown v. Board of Education. It was organized to survey people to find out whether Governor Ernest Vandiver should close public schools, or if he should force them to desegragate all public schools. Unfortunately, John Sibely, the head of this commission found out that sixty percent of the people favored total segregation.
  • SNCC

    The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Commitee was made in 1960 in Shaw University. They would be employed and be paid for ten dollars for every week. They would do sit-ins and other nonviolent protests. It is usually pronounced as "snik." However, they could not keep their nonviolent protests. That is why they changed their name to the Student National Coordinating Commitee. They wanted to have more stratigies. SNCC
  • Albany Movement

    Albany Movement
    The Albany Mobement was a desegregation coalition formed by the SNCC in 196 in Albany, Georgia. People were marching in protest against segregation. Unfortunately, Martin Luther King thought it was a failure. So many people were arrested during the march, that Martin Luther King Jr. ran out of marchers because Prichett ran out of jail cells.
  • Hamilton Homes and Charlayne Hunter to UGA

    Hamilton Homes and Charlayne Hunter to UGA
    Homes and Hunter were the first two men of African decsent. This was unexpected because UGA was a racist college. Although they were in the college, no one wanted them there. They felt that they should'nt need to integrate schools. They would chant outsidethe college saying," 2, 4, 6, 8, we don't want to integrate. Here is a video about that.
  • Maynard Jackson

    Maynard Jackson
    He was the first African American mayor of Atlanta. He helped improve race relations. He also built and arranged many public-works projects like improving the Hartsfield Jackon airport which was named after him as soon as he died. Marta was also constructed during his terms as bing the mayor of Atlanta.
  • Andrew Young

    Andrew Young
    Andrew Young was the ambassador of the United States in the United Nations. He was African American and the fourteenth ambassador for the United States. He liked Gandhi's ways of passive ressistance. He started encouraging African Americans to vote, and sometimes he would receive death threats for these actions. He soon became an ally of Martin Luther King Jr. Young went on to be the mayor of Atlanta, but soon, he ran for the position of governor, but he lost to Miller.