civil rights

  • Andrew Young

    Andrew Young
    Andrew Young This link has a lot of short, but interesting videos of Andrew Young. He was a Civil Rights leader and a close friend of Martin Luther King jr. When Martin Luther King jr. died, many followers struggled with the loss and werent able to find someone to represent them. Andrew Young stepped up as a leader and won a seat in the House of Representatives shortly after King's death.
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    Civil rights

  • Benjamin Mays

    Benjamin Mays
    In 1940 Mays became president of Morehouse College. He was a mentor of Martin Luther King because King was one of May's students. Not only did he set an example for Martin Luther King but he left an impact on a lot of his other students. Mays and Martin Luther King had a very close relationship until the day MLK was assasinated.
  • Eugene Talmadge

    Eugene Talmadge
    Eugene Talmadge, father of Herman Talmadge, was opposed to Franklin D. Roosevelt. He wanted segregation and fired elected officials who disagreed with him. He served a total of 3 terms as governor. Many people had different views of him when he was governor. Some thought he was unruly and much like a dictator. Others believed he was an amazing governor and friend. His death on December, 1946, led to the three governors contraversy.
  • Herman Talmadge

    Herman Talmadge
    Herman Talmadge won governorship of Georgia after his name was written in as a canidate by many of his fathers supporters.
    Herman Talmadge
  • Brown vs Board of education

    Brown vs Board of education
    The Brown vs Board of Education regarded what is said to have been one of the greatest Supreme Court decisions of the 20th century. It all started when a few states made a case to the Supreme Court regarding segregation in Public schools. People claimed that is did not follow the 14th ammendment. The Supreme Court decision did not completely abolish segregation in pulbic schools but it did help for building the future.
  • Gerogia State Flag

    Gerogia State Flag
    The Georgia State Flag caused much contraversy in 1956. Many Georgians thought that the flag was inapropriate in the sense that the Confederate Battle Flag was offensive. It seemed to imply the thought of segregation so the African-Americans did not approve. There was much arguement to change the flag back to the way it was before 1956 and many bills were introduced to change the flag.
  • Sibley Commission

    Sibley Commission
    Governor Ernest Vandiver jr was forced to make a big decsion for GA in 1960. He had to choose wether to shut all the Public schools down or desegregate them completely. Vandiver was having a tough time making the decision so he appointed John Sibley to head the comission. This is why the decision was called the Sibley Commission.
  • Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter

    Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter
    Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter were the first two African Americans to be admitted into UGA. Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter kept trying to get into the University in hope of reaching a better science facility. The University registrator, Walter Danner, didn't seem to like that. After being rejected multiple times by Danner, Holmes and Hunter decided to file a law suit against him. The judge took Holmes and Hunters side and they both were finally admitted on January 9th, 1961.
  • SNCC

    SNCC In the 1960's, the SNCC was one of the main orginizations involved with the civil rights movement.
  • Albany Movement

    Albany Movement
    The Albany Movement was a large organized movement against segregation in a community. It took place in modern civil rights era.Martin Luther King jr. became a part of the Albany Movement and tried to help towards reaching a positive outcome. Unfortunently he, among with many others, did not accomplish what they had planned. Over 1,000 African Americans were put in jail in the rural cities surrounding Albany and in Albany.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
  • Lester Maddox

    Lester Maddox
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Maynard Jackson

    Maynard Jackson
    Maynard Jackson was the first African-American mayor of Atlanta. As mayor, he served a total of 8 years and after Young was mayor, he came back again. Jackson helped bring the 1996 olympics to Atlanta and helped build the indusrty in Atlanta.