Civil Rights Education

By Natlie
  • Everyone deserves education

    NAACP said that every child no matter race and age. Has a first-class to education.
  • Same rights equipment

    Students from a segregated school in North Carolina realized the white school near them had the features they were trying to get to make their school better. They got 720 students to riot
  • Violation in Segragation

    Ruled that segregation in Public schools was a violation of the 14th amendment.
  • Ordered desegregation

    Federal court-ordered desegregation of schools in Arkansas.
  • Refusing to let blacks learn

    Principal at Central High school in Arkansas prevented 9 black children from going to his school. He closed down all schools in the city Little Rock to prevent black people to learn.
  • Schools Back up

    U.S Supreme Court ordered schools to be back in the process.
  • The Right to Attend College

    James Meredith wanted to attend University of Mississippi, they returned his application.
  • Not Listening to Supreme Court

    James took his file to court and the Supreme Court said he had a right to. The governor of Mississippi still blocked his right.
  • The riot

    James was escorted onto the campus. There was a riot of about 2,000 people waiting. They came to 123 federal marshals, 316 patrolmen, and 97 prison guards. 28 marshals were shot and 2 died
  • Preventing Discrimination on Public Schools

    There was a civil rights act that prohibits discrimination against public schools of diversity
  • North Carolina segregated schools

    The schools would stay segregated until 1970 for the schools in North Carolina.