Civil Rights

  • Scott v. Sanford

    slavery was protected by the 5th a, right to property.
  • Period: to

    Reconstruction and Reconstruction Amendments.

    the era after the civil war. the era when the northern troops occupied the south for about 12 years. The era ended in 1877
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    poesy was an African- American that boarded a whites only section of a train. Early version of Rosa Parks. HE argued that the 14th amendment protected him because it is equal protection.
    the due process clause - is the gov. denying life, liberty, property
    is there a light reason to deny life, liberty, property
  • 19th amendment

  • Scottsboro Boys

    On March 25th,1931, a group of nine unemployed African-American boys were falsely accused of rapeing two white women,Ruby Bates and Victoria Price aboard a train. The nine boys were 13 through 20 years of age. Within two weeks of being accused, all of the boys were sentenced to death by an all-white jury.
  • Scottsboro Boys

    They were all represented by Samuel Leibowitz, a very famous and known lawyer. In 1937 four of the boys were released, while the rest were slowly released in the following years the last one being in 1950. The Scottsboro case was a milestone in the beginning of the civil rights movement. It was also a milestone in the way that courts applied death penalties.
  • Scottsboro Boys

    There were many rights violated and taken from the Scottsboro boys.To begin the boys were not given actual lawyers,a real estate lawyer who had not been in court for many years represented them at first.He was not adequate to give them a chance in court.In Norris v. Alabama the 14h amendment was also violated because Norris was tried by an all white jury.
  • Scottsboro boys

    In Powell v. Alabama the Supreme Court decided that Alabama didn’t allow the boys to talk to a lawyer before the about the case before the trial.
  • Brown v. Board

    Black children suing for not being able to attend a public school. It violates the equal protection clause. In sweatt v.Painter, Negro and white school were still segregated but were following the equal protection clause by being tangibly equal. To have segregation at schools with kids at such young age creates racism within them.Segregation also affects black people, it shows them that the white are superior to them starting at a young age.
  • Civil Rights act of 1964

    10 years after brown decision. Lists 4 protected classes: race, religion, age, gender and in the 1990s comes disability. They enforced by saying that any federal- funded building or place than the federal government can stop supplying them money.
    De jure segregation ends in the 1960s
    De factor still exists today
  • Civil Rights act of 1965

    certain localities required to get pre-approval before passing now voting laws. Congress has to decide if a state has to pass a law by congress before making a law.No. more pre- clearance law because it was being held to the votes of 1964.