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Civil rights

  • 1492

    Colombus arrives to America

  • Jamestown is set up

    first european colony in North America
  • Period: to

    Civil rights

    here we are going to explain the chronology of the civil rights movement
  • The first 20 slaves are sold to settlers in Virginia

  • The Mayflower reached America

    There were 13 colonies founded.
    - In New England, they used the slaves for fishing activities and industries
    - Middle Colonies, they used slaves for industries
    -Southern Colonies, they used slaves for plantations of sugar and cotton
  • Declaration of Independence

  • Period: to

    end of Civil War

    The Northern part wanted slavery to be abolished but the Southern didnt. Slavery was finally abolished
  • The 14th amendment is passed

    African americans become fill citizens
  • Everyone can vote

    15th amendment states that the right to vote will not be denied to account of race
  • Wyoming becomes first state to grant woman the right to vote

  • Separate but equal

    the U.S supreme court "separate but equal" position is plessy v.ferguson approved laws requiring racial segregation
  • National Association for the advancement of colored people

    (NAACP) founded.
  • 19th Amendment passes

    the 19th to the U.S Constitution is passed, granting women the right to vote
  • Roosvelt issues order rrelocating Japanese-Americans

    on february 19, 1942. President Roosvelt issued an executive order designating much of the west coast a Military Area and reuqiring relocation of most Japanese-americans