civil rights

By AriaR
  • Dred Scott V Sandford

    Dred Scott V Sandford
    Dred Scott was a slave that lived in Missouri, later on Scott filed for his freedom in Missouri,and his point was since he live in a free territory that it should make him a free man,as he took the case to the court he lost and they argued that the Compromise ended up being unconstitutional, they said it was a violation of the 5th amendment.the court ended up ruling after he had a valid reason that at end of the day since he was African decent even if he mightve been free or even if he wasn't.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    The 13th amendment,it was a time period were people were fighting to abolish slavery to ensure that there was equality upon newly emancipated slaves, and this amendment helped people of color to have ore freedom and rights and be considered people and have the right to do thing that other Americans have.The 13th amendment also made African Americans free which means no slavery (which was made illegal)This made a big impact because African Americans had their voices be heard. and get to walk free
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The 14th amendment helped all people that wasn't considered people to be a citizen in the US. this amendment made citizenship to African Americans and as well as slaves that since had been emancipated after the American Civil War. This amendment made it clear that no persons should stop a person from their freedom and or enforce anything illegal form the law. Overall this amendment made it clear that African Americans were no longer under a law that didn't consider them as citizen but now can.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    The 15th amendment gave the right t African Americans to vote, because before the thirteenth and fourteenth amendment came around this amendment gave the right to Africans to vote without Sadly there were ties that African Americans got stopped by the hate groups to not vote or killed when they saw them walking to vote because it was still people out there who had a strong dislike of the African American community so they tried there best to prevent them fro voting even though they were free
  • Plessy V Fergonson

    Plessy V Fergonson
    Plessy V Ferguson was a decision that upheld a ruling about the racial segregation laws and that segregation laws were no longer legal, meaning that the laws saying white or black were no longer allowed on any public area, this helped the movement because African american as didn't have to worry about the racial divide ad get treated almost equal.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The 19th Amendment, the time where woman fighted for there rights to vote as well a woman of color so they got it heard and the law was made hat all woman are allowed to vote,throughout the united states and couldn't be discriminated against because they were a woman regardless of what sex they were.This amendment helped women across the United states move closer to the equality aspect that made the american lifestyle , to have equality rather its pay wages or job opportunities.
  • Civil Rights act of 1964

    Civil Rights act of 1964
    The Civil Rights act of 1964, was the landmark of the Civil Rights Act because not only did but it stopped the discrimination and religion sex etc to have rights basically any discrimination was not allowed and was prohibited under the law and the constitution. And people of color or if they had a different religion of different anything that was illegal to not hire them of because of what they looked like or believed in.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    This helped the people like African Americans have the right to vote also including the south states this made it sure that they could vote no matter the circumstance and no one were to get in the way of that. The African A. votes counted, and prevent other states like i the South that had a literacy test that prevents African Americans, the method they used was hard the African A. because some didn't get the chance to go to school or to practice any schooling so that why they did the test.
  • Reed V Reed

    Reed V Reed
    The Reed V Reed was held by the supreme court which helped the civil rights movement because it stooped the discrimination based on gender ad that any administrator were not allowed to discriminate someone bases on there gender. It was an important case because this allowed people no to discriminate.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title IX was the law that was passed apart of the education amendments and Women's Rights Movement was one of the first events that led to the start of Title IX. the movement was very important to woman because it gave the opportunity to allow anyone a right to education without discrimination. This meant that any woman were allowed the same education as man, this was a big thing for women because that meant no or discriminating toward their learning experience.
  • Regents of the University of California V Bakke

    Regents of the University of California V Bakke
    this is case helped the define the problem of the equal protection clause and which the racial, quotas were unconstitutional meaning that any racial preferences were guided for different acts. Based o if your a person of color whether o not you get in based on your academic scores or just because the color of your skin.In which Bakke was rejected after being accepted at medical school.
  • Americans With disability Act

    Americans With disability Act
    The Americans With disability Act made it clear that no person shall discriminate towards someone with a mental physical or and emotional disability especially of public life as well as any private places that are open to any public are,This also applies to the work environment or anything that can prevent people with disabilities from doing everyday things.This also gave Americans With disability the right to not be discriminated against.
  • Obergefell V Hodges

    Obergefell V Hodges
    The supreme court ruled that what ever your sex or religion or gender that you are allowe to marry whomever you'd like and get to marry whoever yu like based on if the same gender or apart of the lgBt community. This was a great movement because people were finally free to marry whod they like without feeling that they didnt belong.