
Civil Rights

  • Dred Scott v. Sandford

    Dred Scott v. Sandford
    Dred Scott was a former slave that sued his master for not giving him freedom. Scott argued that his residency in a free state declared him a free man. His master, Sandford disagreed. When the case reached the Supreme Court the ruling was for Sandford becuase of Article III and IV
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    The 13th amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude unless it is the punishment for a crime.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The 14th amendment gives citizenship to any person born in the United States. It also states that a person cannot be a senator is they had perviously partaked in a rebellion.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    Granted African American men the right to vote. Through the use of poll taxes, literacy test, and other means, states were able to make it harder for African Americans to vote.
  • Poll Taxes

    Poll Taxes
    In order to vote you had to pay a tax for it. This disenfranchised African Americans as well as poor whites. Poll tax was soon abolished by the 24th amendment.
  • White Primaries

    White Primaries
    White primaries was another way the south was able to disenfranchise African Americans. These white primaries permitted only white voters.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    Louisiana passed a law that separated train cars for blacks and whites. Plessy, being seven-eigths white, sat in the white only train car. He refused to move and was arrested for it. The Supreme Court then ruled that everything could be separate as long as it was equal.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    Because Mrs. Stanton, Mrs. Mott, Mrs. Anthony, and thousands of other women began to raise public awarness, womens sufferage was granted. In 1920 women were given the right to vote after 70 years of fighting for it.
  • Brown v, Board of Education

    Brown v, Board of Education
    Black children were denied admission to public school. This case along with several other cases went to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Brown. This ruling overturned the Plessy v Ferguson,
  • Affirmative Action

    Affirmative Action
    This was a way to combat discrimination in the hiring process. This required government empolyees to not discrimminate against other employee's or applicants for employment. Executive Order 11246, 10295, and 11375 put affirmative action into place.
  • 24th Amendment

    24th Amendment
    Prohibits the use of poll tax. Poll tax disenfranchised the African Americans and the poor whites.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Ended discrimmination based on race, sex, religion and origin. Unequal voter registration and segragation in schools, workplace, and pulic accommendations.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    Prohibits racial discrimmination in voting. Enforces voting rights garunteed by the 14th and 15th amendment.
  • Reed v Reed

    Reed v Reed
    Sally and Cecil wanted rights over their sons estate. However because of the Probate Code men come before women in a situation like that. Sally took it to the Supreme Court anmd ruled that the treatment of women compared to men is unconstitutional
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment
    Guarantee equal rights for women in public accomendations, workplace, and school.
  • University of California v Bakke

    University of California v Bakke
    Bakke applied for admissions at the University of California medical school. He claimed that the Univeristy of California violated the 14th amendment. Supreme Court ruled for Bakke.
  • Bowers v Hardwick

    Bowers v Hardwick
    Hardwick was having intercourse with his partner and they both got arrested for sodomy. Bowers took it to the Supreme Court and won.
  • Americans With Disabilities Act

    Americans With Disabilities Act
    Prohibits discrimmination against disabilities. Prohibits discrimination in public accomendations as well. Wheel chair accesible ramps, parking spots, and so on were created under this act.
  • Lawerence v Texas

    Lawerence v Texas
    Lawerence and Garner were participating in private sexual acts. Texas police arrested them. They took it to the Supreme Court. It was ruled in favor of Lawerence because they were free as adult to engage in private conduct.