Civil Rights

  • Scott v. Sanford 1857

    Scott’s case wasn’t hear in court because they didn’t count him as a citizen because his ancestors weren’t born in the U.S and whether he was born in a free state or not didn’t matter. Help the passing of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment. Lived with a doctor that traveled to a free state(Missouri) and died and he wanted to buy his freedom.The government decides that the 5th amendment protects slavery since they were not citizens so they can not bring up a law suit because they were “property”.
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    Reconstruction & Reconstruction Amendments 1865-1877

  • Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

    Homer Plessy challenged segregated public trains by boarding a “white only” train to challenge the 14th amendment but ended up losing the case when it reached the supreme court. When the supreme court decided that segregation is constitutional and it was only viewed as a bad thing because the “colored” made it so.-Plessy challenged Equal protection clause in the 14th amendment. Because they were separate by equal (ex.if they were a white school there need a black school).
  • 19th Amendment (1920)

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    Scottsboro Boys 1931-1937

  • George Stinney case (1944)

  • Brown v. Board (1954)

    -Segregation in public school is unconstitutional because it lead to feeling of inferitoty.
    -Segregation in public schools are separate but not equal
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Any government insultution that continue discriminate would no longer received government funding-de jury segregation ended as a result and extended to employment
    Made it illegal to discriminate by race, color, religion, national origin, and sex.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Pre-clearance-made sure that the government can’t denied citizens the right to vote by race Certain localities must get pre-approval from Feds before they changing voting laws
  • Civil Rights Act of 1968

    house discrimination banned
  • California v. Bakke 1978

  • Gratz v. Bollinger (2003)

  • Meredith v. Jefferson Co Board (2007) (Louisville school integration)

  • Shelby County v. Holder (2013) (elimination of preclearance enforcement)

    Sue and won argued that they are still being punished for 1964 laws form before-ended Pre-clearance