Civil Rights

  • Revenue

    The state's citizens payed taxes that go to the government like an income.
  • Reapportionment

    Georgia was split into districts based upon population in that area by the General Assembly and it was changed every 10 years.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Segregation in schools was banned, so blacks and white children could go to school together.
  • Hamilton Homes and Charlayne Hunter

    UGA was an all white school until Hamilton and Charlayne came and were accepted as the first blacks to attend UGA.
  • Jimmy Carter

    Jimmy Carter was senator in 1963, governor in 1971, and president in 1979. He had had several accomplishments like merging local schools, adopted kindergarten programs, the SALT II treaty, and he won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002
  • March on Washington

    This was a peaceful protest for blacks civil rights, and MLK gave his I have a dream speech.
  • Voting rights act of 1965

    Most states wouldn't allow blacks to vote because of their race, but this act banned states to discriminate them.
  • Entrepreneurs

    Thi she I said when you start your own business, but there are great risks and gains to being an entrepreneur.
  • Taxes

    There are 3 types of taxes. There are ones where you buy, when you own, and your income tax. You have to pay your taxes ever month.
  • 1996 Olympics

    Largest event GA has hosted since the International Cotton Exposition, and there was a bombing that killed 2 people and injured hundreds.