Civil Rights

  • Brown v Board of Education

    Brown v Board of Education
    It is a supreme court case that ends segregation in schools.
    The vote was 9-0.
    Although this was a great step toward racial equality there was increased violence and schools shot down.
  • Emmet Till

    Emmet Till
    14 year old boy from Chicago, visiting Mississippi.
    He whistled at a white woman and she took offense to it.
  • Rosa Parks-bus boycott-Alabama

    Rosa Parks-bus boycott-Alabama
    It is unsure the exact reason why Rosa Parks stayed put but her resilience would lead to her arrest.
    There would be a boycott that lasted 381 days.
    After which buses would be desegregated.
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference
    Started after the bus boycott to organize a protest.
    Martin Luther king elected president.
    Organized nonviolent protests and it still exists today.
  • Little Rock 9-Arkansas

    Little Rock 9-Arkansas
    9 African American students that were chosen to attend a previously all white university. They would face many hardships so they were taught how to deal with it nonviolently.
  • Greensbaro 4

    Greensbaro 4
    4 college students sat down at a lunch counter. More and more came. Thiswas a protest to desegregate lunch counters. This protest spread to other dinners until it eventually was officially desegregated. The black staff were told to change the clothes be the first to be served.
  • SNCC

    Youth group of the students remained fiercely independent of king and sclc, generating their own projects and strategies. The two organizations worked side thoughout the early years of the civil rights movement. This group was the second half of the freedom riders and were a part of the march on selma.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    2 week trip by bus to the deep south. The goal was to challenge the jim crow laws. It was organized by core. The riders faced opposition, the buses were burned by the KKK and they were beaten. MLK and JFK become closer by talking together.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    Jobs and freedom was to advocate for the civil and economic rights of African Americans. 250,000 people were in attendance at the Lincoln memorial. Mlk was the last to speak and gave his “i have a dream speech”. 70 to 80% were black it helped to pass the civil rights act of 1964.
  • Civil rights act of 1964

    Civil rights act of 1964
    Can’t refuse service
    Forbids employers and labor unions to discriminate against any person on grounds of race, color, religion, sex, physical disability or age in job related matters.
    Prohibits discrimination against race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or physical disability.
  • March on selma

    March on selma
    600 students march from selma to montgomery,Alabama to get the right to vote. They walked 54 miles and were stopped at the bridge. Seen on national television. Lbj order the passage of 1965 voting rights law. 2nd march took place on March 21-24 days with thousands of marchers.
  • Voting rights act of 1965

    Voting rights act of 1965
    One of the most comprehensive places of legislation in U.S. history. Blacks were registering to vote and being elected to public office.