Civil Rights

  • White Primaries

    White Primaries
    White primaries were elections held in the Southern United States in which only white voters were permitted to participate.
  • Dred Scott v. Sandford

    Dred Scott v. Sandford
    A legal case where Dred Scott; who had resided in a free state and territory was not entitled to his freedom; that African Americans were not and could never be citizens of the United States; and that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional. The decision added to the sectional controversy and pushed the country closer to civil war.
  • The 13th Amendment Ratified

    The 13th Amendment Ratified
    The Constitution of the United States that formally abolished slavery.
  • 14th Amendment Ratified

    14th Amendment Ratified
    Constitution of the United States that granted citizenship and equal civil and legal rights to African Americans and slaves.
  • The 15th Amendment Ratified

    The 15th Amendment Ratified
    The amendment that granted the right to vote to african american men.
  • Plessy v Furguson

    Plessy v Furguson
    in Louisiana in 1892, the separate car act was passed and required whites and blacks to ride in separate train cars. Homer Plessy, who was 7/8 Caucasian, challenged this act by sitting in the whites only car. He refused to move, and was therefore arrested. he went to court and argued that this violated the 13th and 14th amendments and won. this case went on to rule the "separate but equal" clause, where blacks and whites can have separate facilities, but they have to be equal.
  • 19th Amendment Ratified

    19th Amendment Ratified
    A law that prohibits the government from denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States based on sex.
  • Brown v. Board of education

    Brown v. Board of education
    students were denied into a school because of their race. they argued that this violated the 14th amendment, and that the schools were separate but in fact not equal. this court case ruled that segregated schools were unconstitutional and began integrating races into the same schools.
  • Affirmative action

    Affirmative action
    President John F. Kennedy signed this executive order that prohibited employers to discriminate against anyone based on color, sex, or national origin.
  • 24th Amendment Ratified

    24th Amendment Ratified
    Prohibits the congress and states from imposing toll taxes before a citizen could participate in an election.
  • Poll Tax

    Poll Tax
    A poll tax is a tax of a fixed amount per person levied on adults and often linked to the right to vote.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    A labor law that outlawed discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    A law that prohibits racial discrimination in voting.
  • Reed v. Reed

    Reed v. Reed
    Idaho state law says that men must be preferred to females in appointing administrators of estates. A former husband and wife had an adopted son who passed away, and both wanted his estate. they went against each other in court. the court decided that the idaho law was unconstitutional.
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment
    this amendment was introduced in the 1920's during the women's suffrage movement. this amendment would grant equal opportunities for men and women and prohibit any kind of discrimination based on sex. It has been proposed many times, but has not yet met the requirements to be ratified
  • Regents of the University of California v. Bakke

    Regents of the University of California v. Bakke
    a 35 year old white man was rejected from a college, even though he was over qualified. he was rejected because of affirmative action, which gave favor to minorities. Bakke won the court case.
  • Bowers v. Hardwick

    Bowers v. Hardwick
    michael hardwick was found guilty under georgia law for engaging in an act of consensual homosexual sodomy. the court decided there was no protection for acts of sodomy, and therefore the states can outlaw these practices
  • Americans with Disabilities act

    Americans with Disabilities act
    This act prohibits any type of discrimination in public places against anyone with any type of disability. The act consists of 5 parts; Title I: equal opportunities in employment, Title II:No discrimination by state government, Title III: creates public accommodations, Title IV: creates accommodations for the hard of hearing over telecommunication devices, and Title V; miscellaneous rights.
  • Lawrance v. Texas

    Lawrance v. Texas
    Houston police entered a mans home for a reported weapon disturbance, and found him engaging in sexual acts with another man, which is illegal in Texas. the case ruled that the government cant prohibit homosexual activity.
  • Obergefell v. Hodges

    Obergefell v. Hodges
    Same sex couples would not have there marriages recognized in some states. it was argues that this goes against the equal rights protection clause in the 14th amendment. the court ruled that the 14th amendment also applies to same sex couples.