civil rights

  • Jim Crow

    Jim Crow
    Jim Crow Laws were basically a legal form of black codes. They were designed to put limits on African Americans. They were also used for mandating de jure segregation.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    The 13th Amendment is one of three amendments adding to the Constitution folling the Civil War. It was designed to protect individuals rights. The main purpose of the 13th Amendment is to forbid slavery, except if it is imposed as a punishment for a committed crime.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The 14th Amendment, like the 13th Amendment, was created shortly after the end of the Civil war. Its main purpose was to protect each US citizen's natural born rights. Since it followed the Civil War, the 14th Amendment was created mainly to protect the natural rights of the African Americans.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    The 15th Amendment is another amendment developed following the end of the Civil War. It gives each US citizens the right to vote, and says that the can't be denied that right based on race and color. It also gave Congress the power to enforce the new law.
  • Literacy Tests

    Literacy Tests
    Literacy tests along with poll taxes were developed as a way to prevent African Americans from voting. Since most whites were exempted from taking the test due to the grandfather clause, we know it was mainly directed towards the African Americans.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
    Plessy vs. Ferguson started when Homer Plessy was jailed for sitting in the "White" car of a train. The case made it all the way to the Supreme Court. Plessy's lawyer argued that seperate cars was a violation of the 13th and 14th Amendments, the justices disagreed saying it was Constitutional. That's when the precedent "seperate but equal" was developed.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The 19th Amendment is very similar to the 15th Amendment. It was developed due to the women's suffrage movement. This amendment gave citizens the right to vote, and stated that right could'nt be denied based on sex.
  • Koremastsu vs. United States

    Koremastsu vs. United States
    During WW2, the presidental executive and congressional statues gave the military authority to exclude and evacuate citizens of a japennesse decendent of the west coast. a united states citizen was arrested and convicted for not complying to these orders.
  • Sweatt vs. Painter

    Sweatt vs. Painter
    in 1946, heman marion sweatt, a black man, applied for admission to the university. his application was automatically rejected becase of hise race. when sweatt asked the courts to order his admission, the university attempted to provide seperate but equal facilities for black law students. the supreme court ruled that it waas unconsttional becuase the schools were really not equal.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    The case started when Oliver Brown's child was denied access to a white school. That is when he filed against the board of education of Topeka, Kansas. This case made it all the way to the Supreme Court. The decision was that seperate isn't always equal, especially in public schools where children are involved. This decision overthrew the Plessy vs. Ferguson ruling.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    A big event that happened during the Montgomery Bus Boycott was the arrest of a women named Rosa Parks. On Decemeber 1st Rosa Parks sat on the white side of a bus. She was asked to move to the back of the bus, where there was designated seated for African Americans, and refused to do so. This was the major start of the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
  • Ruby Bridges

    Ruby Bridges
    In 1960, Ruby Bridges was one of only six African American students to pass the test allowing them to attend an all white school. At first she still wasn't allowed in the white school, but on November 14th she was escorted by two federal marshals. The restraint of the whites was horrendus.
  • Affirmative Action

    Affirmative Action
    This was created to protect citizens from discrimination. It was mainly developed to protect African Americans and women from discrimination. It protected them in the work place and also protected them in education.
  • 24th Amendment

    24th Amendment
    After the 15th Amendment was created, which allowed African Americans the right to vote, southern states developed poll taxes. These poll taxes were developed as a measure to prevent African Americans from pursuing that right. The 24th Amendment states that the right to vote can't be denied by failure of paying poll taxes or any other tax.
  • Poll Taxes

    Poll Taxes
    Poll taxes were developed as a way of preventing African Americans to vote. After African Americans were freed from being slaves after the Civil war, most didn't have a lot of money. The poll taxes really limited most of them. Poll taxes were made illegal in 1962 by the 24th Amendment.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    This was created to protect each citizen's rights. There are many parts to the act, one is it quarantees equal voting rights. The mainparts are it bans segregation and discrimination in public places.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    Aimed to overcome barriers that were preventing African Americans from voting. The act made literacy tests illegal. It also made sure that the recently banned poll taxes remained banned.
  • loving vs. virgina

    loving vs. virgina
    in 1967, the court uled in loving v. virgina that the states law banning interracial marriges violated the equal protection clause. the state of virgina made it a felony to get married to a person of different race.
  • Robert Kennedy Speech in Indianoplis Upon Death of MLK

    Robert Kennedy Speech in Indianoplis Upon Death of MLK
    Kennedy broke the news of the MLK's death to a large group of African Americans in Indianapolis. He talks about how he wants to move forward as a country. He says that he thinks it's best if they follow the ways of MLK and try to end segregation for good.
  • Reed vs. Reed

    Reed vs. Reed
    two parents who were divored lost their 16 year old son. their son did not have a will so the parents went to court for his estate. at first the courts went in favor of the father because he is male. the case went all the way to the supreme court and then they faored the mother because it was unconstitional togo by sexuality.
  • regents of the university of california vs. bakke

    regents of the university of california vs. bakke
    regents of the university of california did not want to let a white male into a school of mostly miinorities even though his test scores were higher then most. bakke then sued the school because the special admission denied him on the basis of his race which was a violation of the equal protection clause of the fourtenth amendment. the court ruled in bakkes favor.
  • equal rights amendment

    equal rights amendment
    the equal rights amendment is the equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the united states of by any state on account of sex. It was approved in 1970
  • americans with disabilites act

    americans with disabilites act
    the american with disblities act prohibits discrimination against peole wt disablities in employment, transportation, public accomandations, communications, and governmental activites. this act was passed in 1990.
  • bowers vs. hardwick

    bowers vs. hardwick
    the state of georgia had a law saying you can not have homosexual conduct with any consenting adult weather married or not and even in someones own home. hardwich sued becuase he was in violation of that law and the court ruled in hardwicks favor saying georgias law was in violation of his privacy and therefore unconstitional.
  • lawerance vs. Texas

    lawerance vs. Texas
    in houston, texas, a police officer was dispatched to a private home in response to a reported weapon disturbance. they entered the home of john geddes and saw lawrence and another man engaging in sexual activities. the men were arrested for violating a statue that makes it a crime to have intercourse with anyone of the same gender.
  • fisher vs. Texas

    fisher vs. Texas
    fisher was denied admission because of her race to the university of texas. her scores were high and she did not get in because she was white and most of the students were minoritys. the school used race as a factor for admission.
  • indiana's gay rights court battle

    indiana's gay rights court battle
    anti gay marrige staute has been decided by a federal judge that it is unconstitional. that decision has been upheld by the 7th circuit courtappeals and is now seeking review from the sepreme court.