Civil Rights

  • Dred Scott v Sanford

    Dred Scott v Sanford
    Dred Scott v Sanford was a case where Dred Scott, was in Missouri where slavery was illegal and he was deemed not free by the Missouri court and then he later sued in federal court and the ultimate decision was that black americans were deemed property and could not be sued
  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    The 13th amendment was the amendment that abolished slavery.
  • 14th amendment

    14th amendment
    the 14th amendment granted all people born in the united states citizenship. It also grants all citizens equal protections of the law
  • 15th amendment

    15th amendment
    The 15th amendment made sure that the rights of the citizens will not be denied no matter the race, sex, or age.
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    Plessy v Ferguson
    Plessy v Ferguson was a case where it was decided that it was legal to have segregation as long as it was equal for both races
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    Brown v Board of Education was a case where african american students were denied access to go into public schools, the federal court later decided that was unconstitutional and would have to let the african american students to be able to attend the public school.
  • Civil rights acts of 1964

    Civil rights acts of 1964
    The civil rights acts of 1964 banned the discrimination of sex,color,or religion.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    Voting rights act of 1965 made it where it was illegal to prohibit a group of people to vote and made it legal for everyone to vote.
  • Reed v Reed

    Reed v Reed
    reed v Reed made it illegal to discriminate against sexes and this made it where the it protected men and women from discrimination
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title IX banned the discrimination against sexes in the education programs
  • Regents of the University of California v. Bakke

    Regents of the University of California v. Bakke
    This case determined that racial quotas in admission processes were deemed to be illegal
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    Americans with disabilities act made it illegal to discriminate against people with disabilities
  • Obergefell v. Hodges

    Obergefell v. Hodges
    This case made it legal to have same-sex marriage.