Plessy Vs Feguson
Period: to
Civil Rights
Movie "Birth of a Nation"
Supreme court case buchanan veany
Jesse Owens competes in summer olympics and wins 4 gold medals
No exact date. Summer 1936 -
CORE was founded
No exact date. -
Shelly VS Kramer
Signed 9981
Emmit Hill was killled for whistling at a white woman
Rosa Parks refuses to give up seat
Bus Boycott
Brown VS Board of Education
Sit in
Missisippi College accepts black student
Act signed to give blacks Civil Rights
No exact date -
24th Amendment
Students encourage blacks to vote
No exact date. -
Bloody Sunday
Missisippi voting test
No exact date. -
1st black supreme court justice
MLK was killed
Medger Evans
16th street church boming