My Birth
Mark was born on May 11, 2000 at Holy Redeemer Hospital in Abington. He was born a tall baby at 22 inches and 7 pounds. He was healthy and had brown eyes and brown hair. This is when Mark's life began in the suburbs on Phildadelphia. -
First Words
I first starting talking when I was a little over 1 year old. The first word I was able to say was mama then dada. This was an important vent in my life because I began to grow and develop. -
9/11 Attacks in New York
9/11The twin tower bombing was probably the most horrific thing that happened during my lifetime. Three planes were hijacked by jihadists and their targets were New York, Washington D.C., and the Pentagon. My parents tell my about the shock they were going through while watching this event unfold on live television. -
Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan Begins
anacondaThe U.S. began invading Afganistan in 2002 as a section of the war on terror. The main purpose of mission Anaconda was to weaken Al Qaeda which was not very successful. What the U.S. did not know when starting this mission, is the Afghanistan would prove to be one of the most difficult terrains to fight on for the next ten years -
Watched my First Phillies Game
I do not remember much about my first Phillies game except that it was a win. I remember how scorching hot the stadium was but I still enjoyed seeing all the players swing their bats as hard as the could. This event pushed me towards my overall love in sports. -
Began to Learn English
I was born into a Russian speaking family, therefore my first language was Russian. My sister went to kindergarten and started to teach me English so I could be prepared for school. Now I barely speak any Russian and English is my first language. -
Hurricane Katrina Strikes New Orleans
katrinaHuricane Katrina was one of the most devestating events in the history of this country. New Orleans is below sea level and it is surrounded by dams and rivers that flooded over. This natural disaster destroyed the economy of New Orleans and caused a long road to rebuilding. -
First Day of Kindergarten
My first day of kindergarten was arguably the most important event in my personal history. This event started my educational career. Going to kindergarten for me was very difficult since I was not fluent in English but I managed to power through kindergarten and learn many core ideas. -
First Time out of the Country
When I was six, I left the United States for the first time on a cruise ship. I visited many islands with my family and I realized there was more to the world then just the U.S. This was a great trip in which I learned a lot about other cultures. -
Broke Leg
When I was seven, I broke my leg in three different places. I stuk my leg into the spokes of my moving bike and my leg got twisted very badly. I had to wear a cast for two months and face consequences foe the first time in my life. -
Got Burns all over My Body
I had a babbysitter when I was around seven years old who was great and did everything perfectly. One day, I ran into her while she was holding boiling water and she spilled it onto my chest. This caused me to have huge bruns all over my body. This was one of the most painfull things I ever went rhoguh in my life. -
America Experiences an Economic Recession
recessionAmerica went into a big economic recession in 2007. This happened when nobody had confidence in the market and refused to spend money. President Obama slowly led America out of the Recession which some people say is still happening. -
Barrack Obama is Voted into Office
obamaI remember going to vote with my parents on the historic day that Obama became the president. Obama became the first black president. Barack Obama also had controversy attached to him as it was unclear where he was born on his birth certificate. -
First Soccer Game
In 2009, I played in my first soccer game for HVAA. This got me involved in a sport where I made lots of friends. I have loved the sport of soccer ever since and I never regret trying out and making that first team. -
Osama Bin Laden Assassinated
bin ladenWhen Bin Ladenn was killed by seal team 6 I was watching the Phillies game on T.V. I will always remeber the U.S.A. chants that rang through that stadium. The leader of Al Qaeda wad finally taken out as the focal point of the war on terror. -
Sandy Hook School Shooting
sandy hookThe Sandy Hook shooting sincerely scared me about how safe I am. This shooting in which a gunman killed students and teachers raised major arguments regarding gun control in America. This was the first of many school shootings to come over the next few years. -
Boston Marathon Bombing
marathonI remeber the Boston Bombings like they were yesterday . The Tsarnaev brothers planted bombs at the finsihing line of the marathon which injured so many innocent people and runners. These terrorists have now been placed in high security prisons. -
Getting the Principals Award
In 7th grade I got the principal's award for my achievements in academics. I was very happy to recieve this as I felt rewardedf or my work. This was a great mitivator for me in future years. -
The U.S. Government Shuts Down
shutdownThis sixteen day closure of the government was due to legislation failing to sign the new year's budget. This left many federal workers without oay and almost froze the country. This was one of the longest shutdowns in the history of the country. -
Gay Marrriage Lagalized
legalThe Supreme Courts ruled that it will be legal for same- sex couples to marry in all states. This was a long time coming considering states were starting to legalize it on their own. This was a popular verdict with many Americans.