Civil war

Cival War Timeline

By 226981
  • Missourii Compromise

    Missourii Compromise
    -The north and the south has had a debate on slavery
    -Henry Clay was the one who who solved the debate
    -Maintained balance between slave and free states
    -Missouri Compromise Line 36 30'
  • The Nulification Crisis

    The Nulification Crisis
    -The southern states felt the tarrifs have only favored the northern states
    -South Carolina threaten to seceed with the government not favoring the argument on the rattification
    -Henry Clay can up with a compromise and lowerd the tarrifs
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    -Congress had many heated debates
    -the new territories won from Mexico would be admitted as slave states or free states
    -Henery Clay
    -California would be free
    -New Mexico would be unrestricted
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    -it allowed african americans to be caught who were running away from slavery
    -this led to John Browns raid in the civil war
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    -people from Missouri illegally voted for Kansas representatives who wanted slavery
    -people against slavery started their own government
    -there was a fight and John Brown murdered many pro slavery neighbors
  • Dred Scott's Dession

    Dred Scott's Dession
    Dred Scott was a slave
    He worked with lawyers to sue the court for this freedom
    Scott lost the court case and the court decided that no slave could be a US citizen
  • Attack on Harpers Farry

    Attack on Harpers Farry
    John Brown wanted slaves to fight for their freedom
    He asked the slaves to stay with him at harpers ferry but none came
    Brown and his men were caught and Brown was killed
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    Lincoln won the election
    The south began to pull away from the Union after the election