
By aw24
  • Windows XP

    Windows XP
    Easier to use interface. Basis for current windows programs and apps. Microsoft developed the windows XP operating system.
  • iPod

    Would there be iphone or ipad without ipods? I didn't get my first one until 2011, but it was nice to have music at my fingertips. Apple developed the Ipod
  • Bluray

    Better than DVD. I still buy blu ray when i find them at thrift stores. Came about when streaming was gaining popularity. Still top quality for discs. A group of companies developed blu ray.
  • iPhone

    A computer for your pocket. iphone changed phones into smart phones. Developed by apple
  • Kindle

    Kindle was a e reader that made it possible to carry around a library in less than a pound. With even more advances its now difficult to differentiate between real pages and an e reader. Kindle was developed by Amazon.