Circulatory system

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    They took out the first approaches to the human anatomy and physiology
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    Galen found that arteries contained blood, instead of air as had been the belief to that point.
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    the arterial blood was created by venous blood passing from the left ventricle to the right by passing through 'pores' in the interventricular septum, air passed from the lungs via the pulmonary artery to the left side of the heart.
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    This was one of the first works on anatomy, which mentioned hypothesis of heart function and blood circulation.
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    who first described the heart’s valves, and explained that air entered the heart from the lungs where it was transformed into ‘pneuma’, the vital spirit, ‘a most subtle vapor’ to be carried to the body by arteries.
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    described the perpetual movement of blood “with courses of rivers returning to their sources after a passage through numerous channels”.
  • Nov 1, 600


    seems to have possessed knowledge of the arteries
  • Jun 4, 750


    distinguished veins from arteries but thought that the pulse was a property of arteries themselves.
  • May 14, 1025


    erroneously accepted the Greek notion regarding the existence of a hole in the ventricular septum by which the blood traveled between the ventricles
  • Nov 1, 1236


    Nafis suggests that the blood reaches the right side of the heart and lungs passes through the pulmonary artery and the lungs is mixed with air and then through the left side through the veins where it expands to the entire body.
  • Nov 1, 1245


    primera descripcion de la circulación menor
  • Nov 1, 1452

    Da Vinci

    took great interest in the anatomical structure and physiological workings of the heart.
  • Nov 1, 1500

    Miguel Servet

    Presents the first exhibition about the movement to be more precise, presenting first concepts of gas exchange and pulmonary circulation
  • Nov 1, 1514


    Vesalius: also possessed a passion for dissection and partook in the illegal, yet common, practice of body- snatching.
  • Nov 1, 1537


    published “De V enarum Osteolis” which examined the valves of veins, he aptly described the valves as ‘the little doors of the veins’
  • Nov 1, 1553


    consagradas a describir la circulación menor
  • Nov 1, 1559


    De re anatomic
  • Fabrizi

    Describio las válvulas venosas.
  • Huang ti

    La sangre fluye en un circuito sin parar nunca.
  • Edwin Smith

    El secreto del medico: conocimiento del corazón y de sus movimientos
  • Ceslapino

    Primer tratado de cardiologiañ.
  • Harvey

    Harvey, scientifically demonstrates the functioning of the heart pump. It spells out the blood circulation, all based on the scientific method and research.
  • Aristoteles

    Primum vivens, ultimum moriens.
  • Cornelio

    Mortuorum corpora incidere discetibus necessarium.
  • Swammerdam

    used the microscope to explain the shape of the red blood cell and the capillary networks that form the connection between arterioles and venules
  • Aselli

    descrubio las relaciones existentes entre los vasos quilíferos y las glándulas linfáticas del mesenterio del perro.
  • Pecquet

    descubrió en el perro el conducto torácico,que constituye el lugar de convergencias.
  • Rudbeck

    identifico los vasos linfáticos del hígado y su desembocadura en el conducto torácico.
  • Malpighi

    capillaries that proved fundamental to our understanding of the vascular system in the brain and cord.
  • Ruysch

    dio una completa descripción de las válvulas de los vasos linfáticos
  • Guglielmo

    elaboro la primera tabla anatómica completa de los vasos quilíferos del hombre.
  • Malpighi

    His main contribution was the observation of the capillaries, arteriovenous communications of the lung and bronchial ramifications
  • Thebesius

    indico los vasos que hacen comunicar las arterias y venas.
  • Salgado

    discute la fisiología del sistema cardiaco y el origen de la sangre
  • Gusmano

    descubrió el hierro en la sangre.
  • Haller

    observo otros globulos incoloros mas grandes
  • Spallanzani

    Diferencio la presencia de globulos rojos en vertebrados e invertebrados
  • Bohemia

    Detect the presence of special fibers in the inner walls of the heart which had electrical impulses that caused the contraction of the heart muscle.
  • Courtnat

    their discoveries concerning heart catheterization and pathological changes in the circulatory system."