cicil war

By lizy
  • Missouri Comprmise

    Missouri Comprmise
    In 1818, Missouri sought admission to the Union as a slave-holding state. After two years of bitter debate, the missouri comprmise was agreed upon. this comprmise admitted missouri to the union as a slave state and admitted maine as a free state to maintain the balance in the senate. the cromprmise prohibited slavery north of latitude 36- 30' in the lousiana purchase territory, with the excption of missouri, and allowed it south of that line.
  • nat turner's rebellion(1831)

    nat turner's rebellion(1831)
    nat turner, a slave, along with about 60 other slaves led a violent rebellion that resulted in deths of more than 50 virgians. nat and many others were for their part, or suspect part, in the revolt. nat turner's rebellion struck long-term fear in the hearts of slave owners, whitch caused them to replace new restrictions on slaves and promped a national dedate on the slavery question.
  • tariff of 1828

    tariff of 1828
    congress passed the tariff of 1828, known as the"tariff of abominations." the tariff earned this nickname because it made foreign products expensive for people to buy, especially if they did not have industery in their region producing similar items. this
    was the case in the south, whitch mainly produced raw materials. the tariff also meant less money went to foreign countries, witch then bought fewer raw materials, such as cotton, from the south.