cia foreign policy

  • declaration of independence

    declaration of independence
    is the usual name of statment adopted by the contiental congress on july 4th 1776, which announced that the thirteen american colonies, then at war with great britian, regarded themselves as thirteen newly independent sovereign states, and no longer a part of the british empire.
  • monroe doctrine

    monroe doctrine
    was articulated in president james monroe's seventh annual message to congress on december 2, 1823. the eurpean powers, according to monroe, were obligated to respect the western hemisphere as the united states' sphere of interest.
  • roosevelt corollary

    roosevelt corollary
    a corolly to the monroe doctrine that was articulated by president theodore rooseevelt in his state of the union address.
  • world war l

    world war l
    a global war centured in europe that began on 28 july 1914 and lasted until 11 november 1918.
  • sinking of the lusitania

    sinking of the lusitania
    the british ocean liner RMS lusitania, which primarly ferried people and goods accross the atlantic ocean between the united states and great britian, was torpedoed by german U-boat and sunk.
  • good neighbor policy

    good neighbor policy
    first presented by President Franklin Roosevelt, for the encouragement of riendly relations and mutual defense amoung the nations of the western hemisphere.
  • world war 2

    world war 2
    it involved the vast majority of the worlds nations including all of the great powers- eventuslly forming two opposing military alliances: the allies and the axis.
  • pearl harbor

    pearl harbor
    was a surprise millitary strike conducted by the imperial japanese navy against the united states naval base at pearl harbor, hawaii.
  • bombing of hiroshima

    bombing of hiroshima
    during world war ii a american B-29 bomber dropped the worlds first deployed atomic bomb over the japanese city of hiroshima.
  • truman doctrine

    truman doctrine
    a united states policy to stop soviet expansion during the cold war.
  • marshall plan

    marshall plan
    the ais american initiative to aid european economies after the end of world war ll in order to prevent the spread of sovient communism.
  • korean war

    korean war
    a war between north and south korea, in hich a united nations force led by the united states of america fought for the south, and china fought for the north, also assisted by the soviet union.
  • vietnam war

    vietnam war
    a cold war-era proxy war that occured in vietnam, laos, and cambodia.
  • eisenhower doctrine

    eisenhower doctrine
    refers to a speech by president dwight david eisenhower, within a special message to the congress on the situation in the middle east.
  • cuban missile crisis

    cuban missile crisis
    a 13-day confrontation in october 1962 between the united states nd the societ union over soviet ballistic missiles deployed in cuba.
  • opperation dessert storm

    opperation dessert storm
    the successful U.S. allied responce to Iraq's attempt to overwhelm neighboring Kuwait.
  • 9/11

    19 militants associated with the islamic extremist group al-qaeda hijacked four airliners and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the united states.
  • afghanistan (operation enduring freedom)

    afghanistan (operation enduring freedom)
    the official name used by the government for the war in Afghanistan, together with a number of smaller military actions, under the umbrellaa of the global "war of terror."
  • war on terror

    war on terror
    is a term which has been applied to an international military campaign that started after the september 11 terrorist attacks on the united states.
  • operation iraqi freedom

    operation iraqi freedom
    was an armed conflict in iraq that consosted of two phases.
  • air strikes on isis

    air strikes on isis
    across insurgent-held syria over the past week, images have proliferated of protesters burning american flags, calling president obama "the enemy of god," and declaring that the american-led airstrikes against the islamic state extremist group are helping the government of president bashar al-assad.