civel right movmet time line

  • Congress passes the 1st Civil Rights Act

    was the first United States federal law to define citizenship and affirm that all citizens are equally protected by the law
  • 14th admement

    gave citenship to any person born in the US
  • 15th admement

    gae any citzen the right tovote no matter of race
  • The 1st Women’s Suffrage Amendment was introduced in Congress, but was defeated

    the first federal women's suffrage amendment was introduced but was soundly defeated later in the first full Senate vote in 1887.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the “separate but equal” doctrine
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Supreme Court case in which the justices ruled unanimously that racial segregation of children in public schools was unconstitutional
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her bus seat

    after she refused to give up her seat on a crowded bus to a white passenger. Contrary to some reports, Parks wasn't physically tired and was able to leave her seat
  • Green v. County School Board of New Kent County

    was an important United States Supreme Court case involving school desegregation
  • civial right act of 1964

    prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin
  • National Organization of Women) formed

  • Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education

    nited States Supreme Court case dealing with the busing of students to promote integration in public schools
  • Proposition 209 – California

    amended the state constitution to prohibit state governmental institutions from considering race, sex, or ethnicity, specifically in the areas of public employment