Church of Satan (1966)

By DJP17
  • The Beginning: Order of the Trapezoid

    First called the Order of the Trapezoid then later became the Church of Satan
  • Establishment

    Was established at the Black House in San Francisco, California, on Walpurgisnacht by Lavey who is the Church's High Priest
  • Documentary of Satanis

    Several books, magazines, and newspaper articles were written about them
  • Establish the Church Abroad

  • End of all Regional Organizations

  • Master Plan

    Should report to the Church's Central Grotto in San Francisco
  • Satanic Panic

  • Lost Interest

    The leader, LeVey lost interest in the church as they got interviewed by the FBI
  • Long Period of Silence

  • Active in Media

    Members of the church had Media apearances to refute allegations of criminal activities
  • Death of LaVey

  • Peter H. Gilmore

    He's the High Priest
  • First Satanic Church

  • Sethian Liberation Movement

  • High Mass

    First every public ritual Satanic Mass in 40 years
  • Law Abigingness

    A teenager sent an email to High Priest Gilmore, stating he wanted to "kill the name of our unholy lord Satan"