Church History Timeline from Jesus Christ to Charlemagne

  • Jesus Christ

    Jesus Christ
    He is the Incarmation of God. He was crucified, died and risen from the dead. He is the Messiah.
  • Jews of the Diaspora

    Jews of the Diaspora
    Jews that lived outside of Palestine.
  • Pentecost

    The Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles in the form of flaming tounges of firre.
  • Council of Jersalem

    Council of Jersalem
    It c ame to the conclusion that the Gentiles converting to Christianity did not have to follow the Jewish customs.
  • Martyrs

    Christians who died rather than give up faith in their beliefs.
  • Stephen

    First martyr and first deacon.
  • Emperors

    The emperors were Nero, Domitian, Trajan, Decius, and Diocletian enforced persecutions.
  • Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    Constantine claimed all religions acceptable.
  • Christinaity as Official Religion

    Christinaity as Official Religion
    Constantine claimed Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.
  • Fall of the Western Roman Empire

    Fall of the Western Roman Empire
    The East took over and the West was facing dark times of destruction.
  • Fathers of the Chuch

    Fathers of the Chuch
    Guided the early church community through contraversies and identified beliefs and practices that have sustained the church.
  • Monasticism

    Having a solitude life with Christ awat from all the temptations, comfort, and corrupting influences of society.
  • Split Between the East and the West

    Split Between the East and the West
    The pope controlled the Latin speaking West and the emperor controlled the Greek speaking East. Once the two began to divide, Christianity began to differentiate among the two.
  • Islam

    The founding of Islam influenced the religious and political life of that time period.
  • Liturgical Calendar

    Liturgical Calendar
    Chistianity was adopted into the seasons of the year and into a liturgical calender. This calendar was divided into the seasons Advent, Christmas, Lent, the Tridium, Easter, and Ordinary Time.
  • Missionaries

    Christians who dedicate their life to sharing the good news of God to others.
  • Charlemagne

    He was the King of the Franks, he incorporated Christianity into the empire and he valued education.