The Fall of Jerusalem 70 AD
The church continued to be seperate from Judism. The church then needed to reestablish itself. First they established canon, the authoritative books of Scripture. Second they established ledership, the bishop. Thirdly they had to create a creed. This was based off basic beliefs. This is significant becasue it continued to create a separation from Judaism and created a need for a canon, leadership, and a creed. -
Council of Nicea 325 AD
The Council of Nicea was discussing Jesus' divintiy. This council was called together by the Roman Emperor Constantine. There were two views represented at this council. The first was Arianism which meant that you belived that the father was greater than Jesus. The second view was Orthodox; they belived that Jesus and God are both eternal. In the end this council decided that Christ was the true God, Christ was begotten, not created, and Christ became for us and our salvation. -
Council of Chalcedon 451 AD
The Council of Chalecedon was discussing the nature of Christ. One view there was that Christ has only one nature. The humanity of Christ is so overtaken by his deity that it disappears. The second view was that Jesus is one person existing in two natures. The third and final view there was that Christ has two separate and distinct natures that are only loosely conjoined. Different churches accapted the different views as the right one. -
Benedict's Rule 530 AD
This was a rulebook for Monks. It described what they needed to do to live the spiritual life. Monks were the driving force for the Christian church for a long time. This is significant becasue it stated specific practices and also the monks spiritual vigor was the driving force of Christian faith for a long time. -
Jan 1, 1054
The Great Schism
The Great Schism was the first official split in the church. There had been many arguments of issues, but the one that caused the split was over who was the papal authority. After the schism, the crusades would take place and only further seperate the two churches. This is significant because it was the first oficial split of the church and began to show different belifs of the gospel. -
Jan 1, 1521
Diet of Worms 1521
At the Diet of Worms Martin Luther is out on trial for heracy. After he got there he was given one more day to think about it. He came back and would not recant his works unless they could be proven wrong by scripture. This is significant because it was the splitting of the church and start of a religious war. -
The Conversion of the Wesleys 1738
The Wesleys and those who worked with then renewed documents of the church that had grown stale. Then they applied them to the common man and working class. They often preached outside of the church and just in the world. They also focused on issue like education, drinking, and slavery. They started the outdoor evangelism. This was significant because it got the gospel out to more people. -
Edinburgh Missionary Conference 1910
This was a time when people tried to expand the church. It started in Scotland and thousands of people met up to try to spead christianity to other groups. Thousands of people were killed during this attempt to spread Chritianity around the world. This was significant becasue it was the first attempt since the first century. Also it was when Christianity began to take on differnt forms in different cultures. -
Coronation of Charlemagn 800 AD
The Pope crowned Charlemagn and showed how much power he had. He was the most powerful person in Europe showing the connection bewteen the Church and the Roman Empire. The pope became even more powerful than the emporers and was the spokes person for God. This is significant becasue it showed how much power the pope had and created a connect between the church and Roman Empire.