The Fall of Jerusalem- 70AD
The Fall of Jerusalem causes the church to move out on its own legs and the church is forced out to find a new "home base". The Christian faith is really expanded and it's one of the biggest exapnsions the church will experience. -
Council of Nicea
A council meet together to make soem decisive decisons on what was held to be imporant in the church. There was a decision on Jesus's divinity, arianism was rejected by the church, and it was decided Jesus was the same substance of the Father. -
The Council of Chalcedon
A decision was made about how Jesus's two natures work togerther. Jesus is one person who is both fully man and God. Extra-biblical terms are used to expound on the ideas in scripture. This was a big step for Christian Faith, and made some decisive desicions in the faith. -
Benedict's Rule
St. Benedict wrote a rule book on how to live a monoastic monk life.The monk way of life preserved a lot of key qualities the church sort've lost being more involved with Rome, and became the driving force for Christianity in these times. -
Apr 14, 1054
The Great Schism
The church was very split at the time already, because of the seperation between the east and west roman empire. The church slowly became more and more different, and then finally split aftwer the leader of both churches excommunicated each other from each church. -
Apr 20, 1521
Diet or Worms
An German monk by the name of Martin Luther would not recant his writings about the Roman Church and what they were doing in his eyes, wrong. Luther reaserted grace given to us by Christ, and gave us a better idea of Christ's self sacrafice for us. This caused a split in the church and a religous war, but was also the start of the evangelical church. -
The Conversion of the Wesleys
Wesley renewed doctrines of God's grace that to many had become stale. They became the new faces of outdoor evangelism and sparked a awakening in the new world church. They changed society by helping it focus on education and ending things like excessive drinking and slavery. They preached to many many people and spread the word unlike any other before them. -
The Edinburgh Missionary Conference
This meeting between hundreds of missionarys brought a renewed focus to missions and spreading God's word. This meeting exapnded the church and united it more. Missioning around the world did not come without a cost, thousands would die preaching the word.Churchs take on differnet forms in different cultures. -
The Corontation of Charlemegne
A man Charlemegne was named emperor of Rome by the pope. before this there was a question that stirred a lot of controversey as to who had more power, The emperor or God? This put an answer to the question that not many liked.