Church History

  • 1003

    Pope Sylvester II

  • 1006

    Isleifur Gizurarson

    First Iceland Bishop
  • 1035


    Danish Warlord
  • 1088

    Christianization of Russia

  • 1095

    Crusade begins

  • 1095

    Council of Clermont

  • 1111

    Norman Prince Bohemond

  • 1122

    Concordat of worms

  • 1144

    Fall of Edessa

  • 1153

    Pope Eugenius III

  • 1154


  • 1175

    Waldensian movement begins

  • 1208

    Francis renounces wealth

  • 1215

    fourth lateran council

  • 1216

    Pope Innocent III

  • 1216

    King John

  • 1221


  • 1272

    Thomas completes SUmma Theologica

  • 1291

    end of crusaders presence in the holy land

  • 1305

    Benedict XI

  • 1309

    Babylon captivity begins

  • 1337

    the hundreds year war begins

  • 1347

    King Louis IV

  • 1370

    Catherine of Sienna writes Letters

  • 1372

    Jan hus

  • 1377

    Babylon captivity ends

  • 1413

    Lollard Rebellion

  • 1414

    Council of Constance begins

  • 1423

    the great schism ends

  • 1444

    Julian Cesarini

  • 1448

    Emperor John VIII

  • 1466


  • 1503

    Christian III

  • 1508

    Nil Sorsky

  • 1517

    Luthers 95 thesis

  • 1524

    Peasant's war

  • 1525

    Anabaptist movement begins

  • 1530

    Jeremias II

  • Founding of Jamestown

  • Antonia Verira

  • King James Bible

  • Synod of Dort

  • Ferdinand II

  • Pope Urban VIII