1963 BCE
1963 - Martin Luther King Jr. #iHaveADream
Martin Luther King, Jr., a Baptist minister, leads a march on Washington espousing the teachings of Jesus in a civil rights movement that affects all American. -
1962 BCE
1962 - The Second Vatican Council
Second Vatican Council begins, the most significant council since Trent. It will promote new attitudes and practices in Catholicism. -
1948 BCE
1948 - Formation of The World Council of Churches
The World Council of Churches is formed as an interdenominational body promoting Christian unity and presence in society. -
1921 BCE
1921 - The First Christian Broadcast
First Christian radio broadcast over KDKA in Pittsburgh. -
1870 BCE
1870 - Pope Pius IX
Pope Pius IX proclaims the doctrine of Papal Infallibility. -
1738 BCE
1738 - John Wesley's conversion
John Wesley’s conversion to Christianity eventually leads to the founding of a branch of the Methodist Church although he had no intention of forming a separate denomination. -
1540 BCE
1540 - The Society of Jesus is approved by the Vatican.
Founded by Ignatius Loyola, the Jesuit order places its services entirely at the disposal of the pope. -
1534 BCE
1534 - Henry VIII's Act of Supremacy
The Act of Supremacy makes the king, not the pope, head of the Church of England. -
988 BCE
988 AD - Conversion of Vladimir, Prince of Kiev
After examining several religions, chooses Orthodoxy to unify and guide the Russian people. -
800 BCE
800 AD - Charlemagne crowned emperor by the pope on Christmas.
He advances the church, education, and culture. A good step for both the educational system and the catholic church. -
325 BCE
325 AD - The Council of Nicea
The Council of Nicea addresses debates perplexing the Church and defines the doctrine of who Jesus really was. -
312 BCE
312 AD - Constantine is converted after seeing a vision of the cross.
He becomes a defender and advocate of the oppressed Christians. -
64 BCE
64 AD - First persecution of the Christians
Nero who blames them for setting a fire that burned much of Rome. Christianity soon after becomes a capital crime. -
51 BCE
51 AD - The Council of Jerusalem.
It rules that Gentile converts do not have to observe the Mosaic Law. -
34 BCE
34 AD - St. Paul is converted and baptised
Formerly Saul the persecutor of Christians, St. Paul is converted to Christianity and baptised. -
29 BCE
29 AD - Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Jesus is resurrected from the dead. -
29 BCE
29 AD - First Christian Pentecost
The holy spirit descends onto the disciples. St.Peter preaches, aggregating the first 3000 Christians to be converted and baptised. -
28 BCE
28 AD - Jesus is baptised and the apostles are chosen
Jesus’ baptism signifies the start of the ministry, found in Luke’s Gospel (Lk; 3: 1, 21, 22) Jesus was accordingly baptised during the 15th reign of Tiberius Ceasar.