Fall of Jerusalem
The Fall of Jerusalem was when there was a massacre of many citizens in the city by the Romans. Their reasoning was to avoid the Jews. This was also when all the Christians and the Christian church got kicked out of the city. This forced Christianity to move outward a -
Edict of Milan
The Edict of Milan was a official order by a person in authority, in this case Constantine. Constantine was a Roman emperor who had a dream where he saw a cross. This caused him to profess his faith of Christianity and brought an end to martyrdom in the Roman Empire. This resulted in Christians having the freedom to profess their faith. -
The Council of Nicea
The Council of Nicea was the first worldwide gathering of the church, called together by Constantine. There was two different views that people had. One view was Arianism and the other was Orthodox. They were worried that this disunity would lead to disputes or violence. They wanted to make peace throughout the empire. They decided that Christ was true God from true God, one substance with the father, and was begotten and not made. -
Benedict's Rule
St. Benedict's rule was a rule book written for monks and how they should live their life. It says they should have obedience and that they have to leave everything behind. They should devote themselves to prayer, worship, memorizing scripture and the service of hospitality. The whole idea of this is called monasticism. The significance of this was that they were separated from the influence of the world but this was also bad because they couldn't really spread the word of God. -
Dec 25, 800
Coronation of Charlemagne
The Coronation of Charlemagne was when the Pope crowned the next Roman Emperor. The words of the Pope carried special authority and the Pope became more powerful than the Emperor because people saw him as the spokesperson of God. During this time it seemed that popes either lived their lives God-centered or they were only seeking power and money. -
Apr 18, 1054
The Great Schism
In 1054 the Church split into Western Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox. The biggest diving factor was the Pope because he became more powerful than even the emperor. Also people like George Whitfield and John and Charles Wesley started preaching the gospel to the public. George Whitfield did it in a very dramatic way because he loved passion. John and Charles traveled around to everyone because they believed God had a plan for each of their lives. -
Apr 18, 1096
The Crusades
The Crusades were a series of wars fought for Jerusalem and other holy places. These wars were fought by Christians and Muslims who were trying to take over their land. The Christians wore crosses on them in symbolism of their religion. -
Apr 18, 1521
Diet of Worms
The Diet of Worms was a court or council that was to determine what would happen to Martin Luther. This was held in Worms, Germany. After Martin Luther wrote things about how the Church is wrong according to Scripture the whole empire brought him to take back his writings but he refused. -
The Great Awakening
The Great Awakening was a movement in America. Non-American speakers influenced Americans to take their faith more seriously. It was a religious revival time for people and made a huge impact even for the Church today. -
Edinburgh Missionary Conference
This conference was a meeting held to bring the gospel further around the world. The worshiped and prayed to God at this meeting and it was a big spiritual movement. -
The Church Today
The Church today is split up into many different beliefs but all in Christianity. Some people may say the Church is corrupt but Christianity has definitely spread throughout the world.