Church history

  • Period: 600 BCE to 476

    Roman period

  • Period: 600 BCE to 300 BCE

    Classical Period of Greek Civilization

  • 509 BCE

    Roman Federation starts

  • 451 BCE

    Twelve Tables written

  • 146 BCE

    Roman destruction of Carthage

  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar assassinated

  • Period: 37 BCE to 4 BCE

    Herod appointed king of Jews

  • 30 BCE

    Octavian first Roman Emperor

  • Period: 27 BCE to 180

    Pax Romana

  • Period: 5 BCE to 100

    Apostolic Age

  • 29

    Jesus crucified

  • 67

    First persecution under Nero

  • Period: 70 to 156

    Life of Polycarp

  • 81

    Second persecution under Domitian

  • 100

    John's possible death

  • Period: 100 to 313

    Apostolic Age to Constantine

  • 108

    Third Persecution under Trajan and Hadrian

  • 153

    First apology of Justin Martyr

  • 160

    Dialogue with Trypho with Justin Martyr

  • 162

    Fourth Persecution under Marcus Aurelius

  • 165

    Martyrdom of Justin Martyr

  • 192

    Fifth persecution starting with Severus

  • Period: 284 to 305


  • 285

    Diocletian divides empire into East and West

  • 303

    Persecutions under Diocletian began

  • 311

    Galerius: Tolerance toward Christians

  • 313

    Edict of Milan

  • Period: 313 to 590

    Constantine to Gregory I

  • 320

    St. Peter's church built

  • 324

    Constantine defeats Licinius

  • 325

    Council of Nicea

  • Period: 333 to 397

    Ambrose of Milan

  • Period: 347 to 420


  • Period: 354 to 430

    Augustine of Hippo

  • Period: 354 to 420


  • 380

    Theodosius makes Christianity state religion

  • 455

    Vandals sack Rome

  • 476

    King Odoacer sacks Rome and takes Ravenra

  • 527

    Justinian takes power

  • 532

    Nika Riots

  • 540

    Gregory the Great birth

  • 542


  • 560


  • 570


  • 570

    Muhammad is born

  • 573

    Gregory appointed Prefect

  • Period: 590 to 1517

    Medieval Period

  • Period: 590 to 1050

    Rise of Papacy

  • 610

    Muhammad claims archangel appears to him

  • Period: 610 to 641


  • 622

    Islam officially begins

  • 730

    Iconoclastic controversy

  • 732

    Charles Martel

  • 732

    Martel: Battle of Tours

  • 754

    Pepin the Short

  • Period: 768 to 814

    Rule of Charlemagne

  • 936

    Duke Otto takes title of King of Germany

  • 962

    Pope crowns Otto emperor

  • 1000

    Rise of the university

  • Period: 1050 to 1294

    Era of Abolute Papacy

  • 1054

    Great Schism

  • 1095


  • 1122

    Concordat of Worms

  • Period: 1221 to 1274


  • Period: 1225 to 1274

    Thomas Aquinas

  • 1291

    Swiss Confederation begins

  • Period: 1294 to 1517

    Decline of the Papacy and signs of reformation

  • Period: 1305 to 1378

    Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy

  • Period: 1330 to 1384

    John Wycliffe

  • Period: 1370 to 1415

    Jan Hus

  • Period: 1378 to 1417

    Great Papal Schism

  • 1427

    Luther's first defense in Worms

  • 1453

    Eastern Empire comes to an end

  • Period: 1469 to 1536

    Desiderius Erasmus

  • Period: 1483 to 1546

    Martin Luther

  • Period: 1484 to 1531

    Ulrich Zwingli

  • Period: 1494 to 1536

    William Tyndale

  • Period: 1496 to 1561

    Menno Simons

  • Period: 1509 to 1564

    John Calvin

  • 1517

    Modern Period

  • Period: 1517 to

    Protestant Reformation

  • 1521

    Luther's excommunication

  • 1522

    Affair of the Sausages

  • 1522

    Martin Luther's German translation of the Bible

  • 1523

    Zwingli: First disputation

  • 1523

    Zwingli: Second Disputation

  • 1525

    Zwingli: Third Disputation

  • 1525

    Tyndale New Testament first printed in English

  • 1534

    Henry VII: Act of Supremacy

  • 1536

    Calvin: wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion

  • Westminster Confession of Faith