Church History

  • 313

    Edict of Milan (test 2)

    Edict of Milan (test 2)
  • 314

    St. Paul of Thebes (Test 3)

    St. Paul of Thebes (Test 3)
  • 320

    St. Anthony of Egypt (test 3)

    St. Anthony of Egypt (test 3)
  • 323

    St. Pachomius Founds his monastery (test 3)

    St. Pachomius Founds his monastery (test 3)
  • 324

    Constantine Defeats Licinius in the civil war (test 3)

    Constantine Defeats Licinius in the civil war (test 3)
  • 330

    Constantine moves capital to Byzantium (test 3)

    Constantine moves capital to Byzantium (test 3)
  • 341

    Ulphilas Apostle of the Goths in made bishop (test 3)

    Ulphilas Apostle of the Goths in made bishop (test 3)
  • 361

    Beginning of Julian the Apostate's Reign (test 3)

    Beginning of Julian the Apostate's Reign (test 3)
  • 363

    End of Julian the Apostate's Reign (test 3)

    End of Julian the Apostate's Reign (test 3)
  • 391

    Theodosius I make Christianity the Official religion of the empire (test 3)

    Theodosius I make Christianity the Official religion of the empire (test 3)
  • 410

    Romans abandon Britain (test 3)

    Romans abandon Britain (test 3)
  • 450

    Anglo-Saxons invade Britain (test 3)

    Anglo-Saxons invade Britain (test 3)
  • 457

    Patrick Organizes Church of Ireland (test 3)

    Patrick Organizes Church of Ireland (test 3)
  • 476

    Rome Falls to Odoacer (test 3)

    Rome Falls to Odoacer (test 3)
  • 493

    Theodoric takes Rome from Odoacer (test 3)

    Theodoric takes Rome from Odoacer (test 3)
  • 497

    Clovis converts to Christianity(test 3)

    Clovis converts to Christianity(test 3)
  • 530

    St. Benedict founds Monte Cassino (test 3)

    St. Benedict founds Monte Cassino (test 3)
  • 563

    St. Columba begins missionary work (test 3)

    St. Columba begins missionary work (test 3)
  • 584

    Hermengild dies in the custody of his father (test 3)

    Hermengild dies in the custody of his father (test 3)
    Spain Converts
  • 597

    Conversion of Anglo-Saxons by St. Augustine of Canterbury (test 3)

    Conversion of Anglo-Saxons by St. Augustine of Canterbury (test 3)
  • 612

    Mohammed Claims Revelation (test 3)

    Mohammed Claims Revelation (test 3)
  • 622

    Mohammed becomes ruler of Medina (test 3)

    Mohammed becomes ruler of Medina (test 3)
  • 624

    Mohammed takes Mecca (test 3)

    Mohammed takes Mecca (test 3)
  • 638

    Jerusalem was sacked by Muslims (test 3)

    Jerusalem was sacked by Muslims (test 3)
  • 641

    Alexandria falls to Muslims (test 3)

    Alexandria falls to Muslims (test 3)
  • 664

    Synod of Whitby (test 3)

    Synod of Whitby (test 3)
    Benedictine's triumph over Irish Monks
  • 711

    Spain falls to Muslims (test 3)

    Spain falls to Muslims (test 3)
  • 723

    Boniface fells the Oak of Thor (test 3)

    Boniface fells the Oak of Thor (test 3)
  • 732

    Battle of Tours- Muslim expansion stopped in Spain (test 3)

    Battle of Tours- Muslim expansion stopped in Spain (test 3)
  • 740

    Leo IV Defend Constantinople Against Islam (Test 3)

    Leo IV Defend Constantinople Against Islam (Test 3)
  • 825

    Harold Klak Invades Denmark bringing St. Ansgar with him (test 3)

    Harold Klak Invades Denmark bringing St. Ansgar with him (test 3)
  • 864

    Boris I of Bulgaria is Baptized (test 3)

    Boris I of Bulgaria is Baptized (test 3)
  • 869

    Cyril and Methodius (test 3)

    Cyril and Methodius (test 3)
  • 871

    Duke Brozwoi and St. Ludmilla baptized in Bohemia (test 3)

    Duke Brozwoi and St. Ludmilla baptized in Bohemia (test 3)
  • 915

    Wratislaw Reigns over Bohemia (test 3)

    Wratislaw Reigns over Bohemia (test 3)
  • 921

    Drahomira kills St. Ludmilla in Bohemia (test 3)

    Drahomira kills St. Ludmilla in Bohemia (test 3)
  • 925

    St. Wenceslaus Reigns over Bohemia (test 3)

    St. Wenceslaus Reigns over Bohemia (test 3)
  • 934

    Haakan the Good introduces Christianity to Norway (test 3)

    Haakan the Good introduces Christianity to Norway (test 3)
  • 935

    Boleslaus kills St. Wenceslaus but later converts to Christianity (test 3)

    Boleslaus kills St. Wenceslaus but later converts to Christianity (test 3)
  • 965

    Harold Bluetooth King of Denmark is baptized (test 3)

    Harold Bluetooth King of Denmark is baptized (test 3)
  • 980

    Missionaries arrive in Iceland (test 3)

    Missionaries arrive in Iceland (test 3)
  • 985

    Duke Geza of Hungary and his son, St. Stephen, were baptized (test 3)

    Duke Geza  of Hungary and his son, St. Stephen, were baptized (test 3)
  • 989

    St. Vladimir of Russia Baptized (test 3)

    St. Vladimir of Russia Baptized (test 3)
  • 992

    Miesko made Poland a vassal state to the Popes (test 3)

    Miesko made Poland a vassal state to the Popes (test 3)
  • 995

    Olaf Tryggvason King (test 3)

    Olaf Tryggvason King (test 3)
    violently requires conversion in Norway
  • 1000

    Olaf III of Sweden Baptized (test 3)

    Olaf III of Sweden Baptized (test 3)
  • 1000

    Althing Adopts Christianity in Iceland (test 3)

    Althing Adopts Christianity in Iceland (test 3)
  • 1014

    Cnut the Great makes Christianity official religion of Denmark (test 3)

    Cnut the Great makes Christianity official religion of Denmark (test 3)
  • 1016

    Reign of St. Olaf of Norway (test 3)

    Reign of St. Olaf of Norway (test 3)
    Finalized conversion to Christianity
  • 1078

    Temple at Uppsala destroyed when Igne the Elder defeats Sven the Sacrifice (test 3)

    Temple at Uppsala destroyed when Igne the Elder defeats Sven the Sacrifice (test 3)
  • 1156

    St. Henry of Uppsala, most famous missionary, to Finland died (test 3)

    St. Henry of Uppsala, most famous missionary, to Finland died (test 3)