Church History

  • 99 BCE

    All the writings that will become

    part of the New Testament have been written by this date.
  • 27

    Pax Romana begins

  • 33

    The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

  • 33


  • 33

    The Apostles spread the Gospel

    The Apostles spread the Gospel
    The Apostles James and John were among the leaders of these groups, as were Paul, Barnabas, Titus, and Timothy. They traveled extensively, gathering followers of Jesus into small communities, which were the beginnings of local churches.
  • 34

    The Conversion of St. Paul

  • 42

    St. John the Apostle travels to Ephesus

    with the Blessed Virgin Mary.
    John 19:25-27 tells of how, from the Cross, Jesus charged St. John with the care of His mother.
  • 44

    St. James the Apostle is martyred

    His body is secretly buried in Spain.
    Christians stole his body and brought it in a boat to Spain, to a place that would become known as Santiago (St. James) de Compostela (field of stars).
  • 46

    St. Paul begins missionary journeys

    to Galatia, Greece, Syria, and other places.
  • 49

    Council of Jerusalem.

    This council affirms that the New Covenant in Christ means that Christians are not bound by Mosaic Law and that Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to Jew and Gentile alike.
  • 64

    Persecution of Christians begins

    Persecution of Christians begins
    under Roman emperor Nero.64
  • 70

    Romans burn the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.

    Romans burn the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.
  • 80

    Didache written

  • 250

    Persecution under Roman Emperor Decius

    Persecution under Roman Emperor Decius
    Decius required all to worship the gods of the state, or be tortured and killed.
  • 251

    Council of Carthage

    This council allowed people who lapsed in their faith during the persecution to be brought back into the Church after a period of penance.
  • 303

    Persecution under Roman emperor Diocletian

    Diocletian ordered the destruction of all Christian churches, imprisonment of bishops and priests, and the execution of all who refused to participate in the public worship of pagan gods.
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Emperor Constantine issues this edict which grants religious toleration to Christians and unleashs the spread of Christianity.
  • 325

    Council of Nicaea

    Council of Nicaea
    This council, called by Emperor Constantine, set forth the Nicene Creed and affirmed that Jesus and the Father are consubstantial — of the same substance.
  • 330

    St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome

    St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome
    Construction of the first St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome
  • 330

    Roman Empire Split in Half

    Emperor Constantine divides the Roman Empire into East and West. The West was centered in Rome, and the East was centered in Constantinople (present-day Istanbul, Turkey).
  • 354

    St. Augustine is born

    St. Augustine is born
    Birth of St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo.
  • 360

    Books begin to replace scrolls

  • 382

    St. Jerome translates the Gospels into Latin

    Pope Damasus asks St. Jerome to translate the Gospels into Latin.
  • 397

    Books for N.T. agreed upon

    The Councils of Hippo and Carthage determine which books will become part of the New Testament.
  • 405

    The Old Testament is translated.

    St. Jerome completes his translation of the Old Testament.
  • 410

    Visigoths sack Rome

    Visigoths sack Rome
    The Visigoths destroy the city of Rome.
  • 410

    The City of God

    St. Augustine begins writing The City of God.
  • 431

    Council of Ephesus

    Council of Ephesus
    This council condemned a heresy that said that Jesus was two persons in one body, and the council declared that the Virgin Mary is truly the Mother of God (Theotokos).
  • 432

    St. Patrick goes to Ireland

    He sets out to spread the Gospel there.
  • 451

    Council of Chalcedon

    Council of Chalcedon
    This council affirmed that Christ is fully human and fully divine (the hypostatic union).
  • 476

    The Western Roman Empire collapses.

  • 480

    St. Benedict is born

  • 496

    Clovis becomes Catholic

    Clovis, the King of the Franks, coverts to Catholicism.
  • 529

    St. Benedict founds his first monastery.

  • 590

    St. Gregory the Great becomes pope.

  • 596

    St. Augustine of Canterbury goes to England

    Pope St. Gregory the Great sends St. Augustine of Canterbury to
    England to evangelize the Anglo-Saxons.
  • 597

    King of Kent becomes Christian.

    St. Augustine baptizes the king of Kent.
  • 716

    St. Boniface goes to Germany

    St. Boniface leaves England to evangelize Germania.
  • 754

    Pope Stephen II allies w/ the Franks

    Pope Stephen II allies w/ the Franks
    With St. Boniface’s help, Pope Stephen II allies with the kings of the Franks. In return, Pepin, the King of the Franks, assumed the role of ordained protector of the Church and set his sights on the Lombards, as well as addressing the threat of Islamic Al-Andalus.
  • 1000

    Muslims control two-thirds of the ancient Christian world.

    Muslims control two-thirds of the ancient Christian world.
  • 1054

    Eastern Schism

  • 1073

    St. Gregory VII elected pope

  • Mar 7, 1073

    Excommunication of Holy Roman Emperor

    Excommunication of Holy Roman Emperor
    Pope St. Gregory VII excommunicates Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV.
    Title: Matthew
    Description: Matheus
    Image: Jayla
  • 1088

    First universities founded

  • 1094

    The Byzantine emperor in Constantinople asks the West for aid against Muslim armies.

  • 1095

    Pope Urban II calls for a Crusade, and Christians temporarily capture Jerusalem.

    “For your brethren who live in the east are in urgent need of your help, and you must hasten to give them the aid which has often been promised them.”
  • 1144

    First Gothic cathedral completed

    The Basilica of St. Denis is completed near Paris.
  • 1204

    Crusaders from the Fourth Crusade (1202) sack Constantinople.

  • 1209

    Founding of Franciscan Order

    Founding of Franciscan Order
    Franciscan Order founded by St. Francis of Assisi
    Title: Matthew
    Description and Image: Matheus
  • 1216

    Founding of Dominican Order (Matthew,Jayla,Matheus)

    Founding of Dominican Order (Matthew,Jayla,Matheus)
    Dominican Order founded by St. Dominic
    Title: Matthew
    Description and Image: Matheus
  • 1229

    The Inquisition founded

  • 1265

    Summa Theologica I

    Summa Theologica I
    St. Thomas Aquinas begins writing the Summa Theologica.
    Title and Description: Matthew
    Image: Jayla
  • 1274

    Summa Theologica I

    Summa Theologica I
    St. Thomas Aquinas finishes writing the Summa Theologica.
    Title and Description: Matthew
    Image: Jayla
  • 1300

    The Renaissance begins

    A period of cultural flourishing based on a rediscovery of classical philosophy begins in Italy and spreads throughout Western Europe. Centuries later, historians would look back on this period and call it the Renaissance, which means “rebirth” in French.
  • 1347

    Bubonic plague arrives in Europe.

  • 1368

    Bubonic Plague in Siena

    Bubonic Plague in Siena
    St. Catherine of Siena cares for the sick and buries the dead when the plague strikes Siena.
    Title: Matthew
    Description: Matheus
    Image: Jayla
  • 1377

    The Pope Returns to Rome

    The Pope Returns to Rome
    St. Catherine of Siena convinces the pope to return the papacy to Rome.
    Title: Matthew
    Description: Matheus
    Image: Jayla
  • 1453

    Muslims conquer Constantinople and turn Hagia Sophia into a mosque.

    The mosaic Christ Pantokrator (constructed in 537) is located in Hagia Sophia.Hagia Sophia is now a museum.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus reaches the Americas

    Christopher Columbus reaches the Americas
  • 1509

    End of Henry VII's reign

    detail: victor
  • 1513

    Ponce de León of Spain founds St. Augustine, Florida.

    Ponce de León of Spain founds St. Augustine, Florida.
    (Nick, Hannah, Victor) 1500-1900
  • 1517

    Martin Luther presents the 95 Theses.

    Martin Luther presents the 95 Theses.
  • 1520

    Luther denies the authority of the pope to interpret Scripture

    Luther denies the authority of the pope to interpret Scripture
  • 1521

    Luther is excommunicated.

    Luther is excommunicated.
  • 1522

    Luther translates the Bible into German.

    Luther translates the Bible into German.
  • 1525

    William Tyndale completes his translation of the Bible into English.

  • 1534

    King Henry VIII of England breaks England from the Catholic Church after the pope refuses to allow him a divorce.

    King Henry VIII of England breaks England from the Catholic Church after the pope refuses to allow him a divorce.
  • 1534

    Act of Supremacy passed - Henry VIII becomes supreme head of the English church.

    detail: victor
  • 1534

    St. Ignatius of Loyola founds the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits).

    St. Ignatius of Loyola founds the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits).
  • 1536

    Henry VIII dissolves all monasteries and convents in England and Ireland.

    Henry VIII dissolves all monasteries and convents in England and Ireland.
  • 1536

    John Calvin publishes his Institutes of the Christian Religion.

    detail: victor
  • 1541

    First Franciscan explorations in what is now California.

    First Franciscan explorations in what is now California.
  • Period: 1545 to 1563

    Council of Trent

  • 1549

    Jesuit missionaries arrive in the Far East.

    Jesuit missionaries arrive in the Far East.
  • Period: 1562 to 1582

    St. Teresa of Ávila founds Discalced Carmelite convents throughout Spain.

  • 1582

    St. Teresa of Ávila founds Discalced Carmelite convents throughout Spain.

    St. Teresa of Ávila founds Discalced Carmelite convents throughout Spain.
  • St. Peter Claver arrives in Colombia

    St. Peter Claver arrives in Colombia
  • The King James Bible becomes the Bible of the Church of England.

    The King James Bible becomes the Bible of the Church of England.
  • The Mayflower sets sail from England to North America.

    The Mayflower sets sail from England to North America.
  • The Colony of Maryland is established.

    The Colony of Maryland is established.
  • England overthrows its Catholic king and bans any future Catholic monarchs.

    England overthrows its Catholic king and bans any future Catholic monarchs.
  • Maryland outlaws the public practice of Catholicism in the colony.

    Maryland outlaws the public practice of Catholicism in the colony.
  • British colonies in North America declare their independence.

    British colonies in North America declare their independence.
  • The French Revolution begins

    The French Revolution begins
  • The U.S. Constitution prevents religious tests for national office.

    The U.S. Constitution prevents religious tests for national office.
  • The First Amendment protects free religious exercise in the U.S. and prevents the national government from establishing a religion.

    The First Amendment protects free religious exercise in the U.S. and prevents the national government from establishing a religion.
  • Karl Marx writes The Communist Manifesto.

    Karl Marx writes The Communist Manifesto.
  • Period: to

    Ecumenical Council of the Vatican

  • World War 1 begins

  • Three children in Fátima, Portugal, are granted visions of the Virgin Mary.

  • Mexico outlaws Catholicism

  • WWI ends

    Armistice is signed. It was supposed to go on effect in 11:00, but over 2,500 die in the final hours of the war.
  • The first Catholic bishops in China are ordained.

  • Servant of God Dorothy Day converts to Catholicism

    Servant of God Dorothy Day converts to Catholicism
  • Bl. Miguel pro is killed by the Mexican government

    Bl. Miguel pro is killed by the Mexican government
  • Dorothy day founds the catholic worker newspaper

  • World War II begins

    World War II begins
    The germans invade poland. World War II begins. The start of Genocide is in effect
  • St. Maximilian Kolbe is killed by the Nazis at Auschwitz.

    St. Maximilian Kolbe is killed by the Nazis at Auschwitz.
  • "Final Solution" goes into effect

    "Final Solution" goes into effect
    The "Final solution" was the plan Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and many high official Nazi leaders such as Reinhard Heydrich, held meetings so this plan can go into effect. Finally, "Final Solution" was implemented, Which was the Extermination of all Jews in europe, over 11 million. They succeeded in killing 9 million Jews.
  • World War II ends

    World War II ends
    Many jews are saved from the holocaust, but 11 million jews have been killed
  • Pope St. John XXII calls the Church council that will become known as Vatican II

  • Pope St. John Paul II survives an assassination attempt ordered by the KGB(Soviet intelligence agency)

    Pope St. John Paul II survives an assassination attempt ordered by the KGB(Soviet intelligence agency)